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Posts posted by chideloh

  1. Mike,


    That sounds like a good start.


    One question. Why are you starting with 6500K MH? If you are planning to keep any SPS or colorful zoos or LPS, then I would suggest going with 10K bulbs with the actinics for the color. If you already bought the bulbs then I guess you may have to go with it. You will get good growth with good colors with 10Ks. But if you want faster growth then stick with the 6500K bulbs.


    Also, I would suggest you visit many people with reef system before and after you set yours up.


    Just some suggestions.   :)

  2. If you want to drill the tank, you can go to a LFS like ReefTank and have them drill it. But if you want to try it, I have the drill bits (1 and 1 1/2 inch bulkhead) and you can borrow it for a small fee and drill it yourself.
  3. Michael,


    I was thinking about making one out of TWP tubing but I was told the tubing needed to be big like 6-8 inches in diameter. Is this what you heard too?


    Even this one, it's not that big. You can only put in 200 mg max. I need something that can handle 3-4 times that.

  4. Hi Howard,


    You don't have anything in the tank for the skimmer to skim so that's probably why you don't have any bubbles going up to the cup.


    It's been a while since I last used a Rio , so I can't remember about the noise level but as you may already know, the Rios are notorious for breaking down and leaking electricity. So for that reason alone I would exchange it to a Mag.

  5. Lee,


    I  leave the salinity level until the ick is completely gone and then I gradually raise the level back up next 2-3 months each time I do the water change. Back to normal salt level is not critical so take your time doing it. Just want to make sure the ick problem is completely gone.

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