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Posts posted by chideloh

  1. Thanks bcjm, but I don't know the first thing about using the freon manifold thing.


    I need someone who knows how to do it.


    I going to have to send the chiller to the factory and have them do it.





  2. Thanks for your help, everyone.


    I just got a used chiller (6 years old) from someone in WA state and it came with BOTH in & out take broken. The sender claims it was fine when it left his place and I am stuck with it.


    It is made by Aquanetics and to be honest, I am very disappointed how it is put together. It is made with sch 40 PVC pipe and they are in bad shape. Not only that, the pipes are there without any support so when the pipes are screwed in or out all the torque is forced on the pipes. I hope I am making sense. They should have made it so that the pipes are secured on the cover of the chiller so the pipes are not stressed when screwing in or out the pipes from the pump. Am I making sense?


    I think that is what happened. When this guy took it apart, the PVC pipes cracked and it got broken during shipping. I hope that is what happened. I hope he didn't send it knowing they were broken.


    Anyway, I am in the process of fixing it and I wanted to replace the PVC pipes with the sch 80 instead of 40.


    Sorry for the long story. :)



  3. Thank you, Scott, for offering.


    Let me see if I can find a Lowes around me first and if I can't I will let you know.


    I am looking for some 1" pipes and couple of 90 degree angle coupler and few other things.


    I just want to make this project a lasting one so I want to go with the sch 80 instead of 40.


    Thanks again.



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