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Shrimp Fry in my Sump

Caribbean Jake

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Oh My  ... !


I stared at my tank last night and at my sump long enough to notice what appeared to be dust in the water inside my sump.  Well, the dust was more Shrimp Fry than dust and there were hundreds of them, transparent/white with black dots (eyes) on one end.  I think my Refugio after all is paying off since I removed the BIOballs for LR.


Has anyone experienced this before?



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They are most likely mysis/ghost shrimp (though different than the frozen ones we feed our tanks).  Frequently found in HEALTHY tanks.  Definately a good sign.  They must originate from live rock.  99% sure they are not from peppermints, cleaners, or any other shrimp you may have.  These guys will remain in your system and do not get big at all.



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Guest clownfish4

"These guys will remain in your system and do not get big at all."


If he scoops them out and pours them in the main tank will the fish eat them?  If so, is it a good idea?

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Y'up- tasty fish treat.  If they are in the sump I'm sure some will make their way into the tank anyway- though maybe a little worse for wear.  They are probably all over the system, but just get eaten in other parts.
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