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I am really new to the hobby and Byron and John at BRK have been helping a lot with technical stuff and spending my money.


I came home today and saw something that I had never seen in my tank. I immediately grabbed my digital camera to take a picture of it. I got off about 2-3 images but my camera wanted to focus on the glass and not the rock. Then it pulled itself back inside a hole about the diameter of a pencil.


Okay now I will try and describe it!


It was about 2-3 inches long with furry edges with a weird looking head and it was white.


I thought it might be a flat worm so I tried finding some pictures online and found nothing that looked like it.


Anyone have any ideas? I will keep my camera nearby the tank in case I see it again..

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Y'know I saw something like this the other day. I have several of them. Though mine aren't furrry and about 1/2 the diameter of a pencil. They come out of the rock and look like a straw and just basically seem to scrape stuff off of rocks and such. One in particular was scraping what appeared to be the algae off a stalk of leather. Either that or was eating the leather, but I doubt that.


So I think yours is different. Regardless, it doesn't sound like a flatworm -- I wouldn't be worried. Some kind of worm though, yes.

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Y'know I saw something like this the other day. I have several of them. Though mine aren't furrry and about 1/2 the diameter of a pencil. They come out of the rock and look like a straw and just basically seem to scrape stuff off of rocks and such. One in particular was scraping what appeared to be the algae off a stalk of leather. Either that or was eating the leather, but I doubt that.


So I think yours is different. Regardless, it doesn't sound like a flatworm -- I wouldn't be worried. Some kind of worm though, yes.



Now that I think about it might not have been furry but in stead with tons of legs. Like a catpillar

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bristle worm are good, they clean the tank for you. Eat the poop and extra food that the fish and inverts miss. Don't worry you will see alot of them in your tank. If they get big and bother you, you can take them out. Not a big deal.

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