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Effluent drainage


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Does everyone here place the effluent tubing from their reactors directly underwater, meaning the return water exits the tubing underwater in the sump.


Are there pros/cons to placing the tubing just above the water, other than the visual confirmation its draining but the annoying noise of the drip?

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Only real pro I can see is the absence of noise.


I let the water from the reactor in the sump of my 24g tank exit right out of the top of the reactor, no tube.  ~40 gph exiting the reactor and just gently runs down the outside of the reactor to join the rest of the water in my return section. With that flow rate, and the short distance it runs down the outside of the reactor, it makes very little noise. And the tank is my home office.


In the sump of my 65g, I have the water from the reactor exit through a tube that's below the water level. I'm putting a bit more flow through this reactor, and the tank is in the family room less than 5' away from both the couch and the TV. So I want the entire set up to be as silent as possible.

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I would think you would want to see the visual confirmation. If not, the line could be clog and you would not know about it for some time


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