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Sharing photos of my current and past systems


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Guest seantadez

Sin palabras/// sencillamente lo mas espectacular que he visto


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Great pics!!- I too remmber the RC TOTM- that is the only way I have seen all your tanks over the years.

Ok, still waiting on the tank tour-

Your best peice of advice was: Lyrtail Anthias- Pseudanthias squamipinnis

I just can not trade my LPS for Angels, at least not yet. :lol2:



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Any chance you could possibly speak at one of our functions are why you can't seem to do no wrong???


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Any chance you could possibly speak at one of our functions are why you can't seem to do no wrong???


It's in his signature - Attention to detail (at least his RC signature)

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Thanks all for the nice comments...


Rocko, the Ricordea floridas were pretty slow growers... not like some zoos, but when they starting taking off they got faster, and when you weren't looking at them every day...


Howard, thanks... I'll be sure to let the board know when I have the tank tour... I'm getting these few new systems going, so I'll wait until they're ready too...


Scott... it was great meeting someone who not only lived and studied in Ecuador, but at the same University and same biodoversity station in the jungle! I remember them saying that they measure remoteness by how many boats pass by in the river per year, and they were at 2 per year not related to the station :D. I actually heard on NPR radio the other day a story on the Tiputini Biodiversity Station...


Sam... I'm happy to be part of the reason you'll have no money in the future... :D


seantadez... como sabias que yo hablo espanol? :D A veces me da la gana de mudarme a Ecuador y abrir la primera tienda de peceras de aqua salada en el pais! :cheers:


Hey Lee, I'm amazed that lyretails are not more popular... cheap, colorful, active... I love em... and get a large angel!... they... uh... won't touch your LPS :lol2:


Howard, I'd actually like to start maybe giving some speeches on some of my interests... regarding the tanks it's there's no secret... just like Craig said attention to detail and attention to the principles of reefkeeping... unfortunately my travel with work has done me in as it did earlier this year... so another principle is never leave your house... :D





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Guest va_reefman

Beautiful tank. One of the best and heathliest SPS tank on the net John.


Take care,

John N.

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Guest Bemmer

Hey John,

Well, don't I feel lucky to live in Leesburg AND more importantly...be your friend. You have taught me and many of us on WAMAS how to do it right. Your advice has been so helpful while I have been setting up my system. You have and had some amazing tanks over the years. You should be very proud of all your hard work.


BTW, great pics of Virginia and Nicholas. Too cute.


See ya soon.



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