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Six Line Wrasse injury


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Found my Six Line with substantial injuries yesterday morning. It was fine the night before. 


In the tank is:

Pair of clowns

1 chromis

1 diamond goby

1 six line

2 peppermint shrimp 

1 18" brittle star (lives under a rock)


I have never added any other fish to the tank. Have added a few corals (3 different occasions), last one was 4 months ago. 


I have had this tank set up since march. Bought as a two year old established set up. Never had any health issues from any of the fish.


The wrasse sleeps in holes in the rock work every night. About two weeks ago, I checked on the tank one morning and found the wrasse has scales missing along its dorsal fin (and the fin itself was damaged). Figured it just rubbed it on a rock. Healed up in a couple days.


*****Yesterday morning I found the wrasse in a corner on the bottom. Same area was beat up (looks like a chunk taken out), plus the left fin is mostly missing along with an injury to the anal area. He still swims around (as well as he can with one fin), eats and goes to the bathroom. spends most of the time on the bottom though. He did to go the rocks to sleep last night. 


Wondering if anyone knows what could cause injuries like this out of the blue?













Edited by SandJ
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How big is your tank? Could be the clowns, they are very territorial. I would remove the six line. He needs time to recover Ina safe tank. Also may not be able to add him back if he's getting beat up so bad.



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Tank is a 36 gallon bow front.


The clowns seem like a likely suspect, but I honestly don't think it is the clowns. The clowns never leave their home (Xenia) and I have never seen them go after the six line. I know that clowns tend to get more aggressive as they get older, but they have never shown aggression. The chromis' favorite spot is a couple inches behind the clowns in the rockwork and they never pay attention to him. I am home out of the time so I observe the tank several times a day (plus my 14 year old daughter watches them numerous times through out the day). And all these fish have been together almost 3 years with no issue (8 months with me).


This happened during the night. The clowns never leave the Xenia, and the wrasse never leaves the rockwork at night.


I was going to remove him (and maybe treat with some abx just in case) but he is doing fine in the tank, nothing bothers him even when he lays on the bottom. I figured as long as he was doing well in the tank and still able to get food I would leave him and not stress him out in the ht.


He actually perked up last night. Started swimming around and picking around the tank for food.

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