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Bio filter slag


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I've been heavily involved in the fresh water aquarium hobby since Jan 22nd this year. I have 16 tanks and still need help. If you have knowledge of the appearance of a bio filter (i have image of a 75 top fin with strands) i would greatly appreciate a response. Its not a disaster but a reasuring "its okay or its wrong" would help me greatly Thankyou,Scott.

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Scott, welcome to the forum. If you want to upload images, it's best to use a photo hosting site. I prefer Photobucket myself, and then use the IMG link. Here is a tutorial if you have any problems.

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Mine was the same. I would clean it every other week or so. I'm not too sure if you're supposed to beings it's supposed to hold the bacteria, but I never had any big issues.

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Looks like you have a  good bacterial bloom on your hand.  The filter will work better if you rinse the media so they don't clog up.  If you're worried about killing the bacteria, rinse with tank water after your next water change.

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Thanks for the confirmation. I worry every time I do a water or filter change. In the past the tanks seem to recover more quickly when i rinse in the tank water however the bacteria bloom was more than I was used to. Im seeing best results when wait 25ish days between canister rinsing. How often did you rinse your media with freshwater?

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