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Incompatible Fish

Caribbean Jake

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I have a Purple Dottyback also known as Magenta Pseudochromis in my 55 gal reef tank.  I introduced a 6 Line Wrasse last week and the Dottyback decided to molest and nibble his fins making it a 24 hour deal.  I moved 75% of the rock work in the tank ( was up till 3 am yesterday) but the Dottyback still finds ways to attack my new wrasse.  Do you know of someone interested in a Magenta Pseudochromis?  What else can I do?

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Not much- they can be very territorial.  Was it the first fish in the tank?  The dottyback I have was added with several other fish as a baby.  It has always been well behaved (even with the leopard wrasse I put in at the end of December).  You might try trading it in for store credit, and then re-introducing one at a later date.  For a small fish, they can be very territorial.
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If you have a way to seperate him even just for a day or two, it would give the new guy a chance to settle in a little.


Put em in aother tank, in-tank refuge (my wife calls it "fish jail") tank divider, anything!

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He was introduced in December after 6 other fish were already in the tank, but became very territorial soon after.  I took him out and put him in a nursery box until I decide what to do.
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