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can this be ich


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I did a water change yesterday with agitating my sand bed (quite a bit) and my tank was cloudy and sand particles floating for a few hours


anyways I was feeding my fish later in the day and noticed that my Purple tang had quite a few white spots on it...


its eating , no color loss, no scratching


I gave it a night and checked again it still has the spots this morning...but I see no signs of scratching...and its swimming normally


could it just be the sand particles ...how long before they fall off on their own...


i've had the PT a month now...last new fish added was a flame wrasse a week ago...


all other fish are swimming around normally and eating fine

Edited by Fishie
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Yes, it could be sand particles stuck to his slime coat. If they are still there tomorrow then it might be ich or a similar parasite. How is the breathing? If rapid breathing then it is ich as ich normally attacks the gills first.

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Poor water quality or stress can bring the ick back. A healthy happy fish with excellent water quality can have an immune system that sometimes overcome the ick. But it will later return when the fish gets old, stressed or poor water quality. My opinion only not an expert. Tangs are very sensitive to water quality and are often stuck in too small of a tank causing stress. The smaller other fish probably won't get it because they don't get as stressed in an aquarium. JMO

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Yes, it could be sand particles stuck to his slime coat. If they are still there tomorrow then it might be ich or a similar parasite. How is the breathing? If rapid breathing then it is ich as ich normally attacks the gills first.

+1.  Spit caught in the slime coat

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got back home and checked again...so i dont see most of them maybe 1...but when it reflects the light almost perpendicular to his body i can see marks where the dots were...its really hard to see and when he is swimming normally...i cannot see anything unless i really glare in...


still eating...no rubbing and normal breathing and perching of rocks like all is good.


all other fish appear ok too...


don't know why i can see markings when the light shines against the body...perhaps...the sand particles caught between the coat scarred a little and now that they have fallen it will heal and go away in a day or so...or if it was ich then when the parasite falls of to reproduce it leaves marks behind...idk...i bumped my temp up a little...to 80.5 to 81 (was at 80 to 80.5)


will continue to monitor ..

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yesterday when the lights were getting close to shutting down and all blue i also noticed that it appeared it had whitish patches in some parts...the patches were not visible with the white lights...only visible under blue lights.


today its all gone regardless of what light i see it under ...no dots, no patches...still eating and behaving normal...

Only thing i did was turn on my UV (doubt that did anything) and fed it a lot of nori...which i hadn't been doing (was feeding it pellets and mysis)


so I've also ordered some red seaweed to supplement its diet 

Edited by Fishie
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