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Cheshire 125 build

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Here goes we started with a 30 gal nano feel in love and now we are doing a 125 gal in the basement with future plans for an 80 gal predator once this is up and running. We have quite the collection of tanks, lights, skimmers, sumps, pumps, heaters and live rock and sand waiting for the final stages of drilling and then the plumbing.


Mr. 703 came over to help out with the plumbing, which we put on hold. Due to we needed to build a stronger stand. The one that was sold with the tank just didn't seem like it would be something I would trust to hold my precious investment. When we first brought it home the first thing we did was reinforce it. Yet I was still concerned.


So we searched on line and had a few members that had built theirs send us their designs and we got busy. It took three times but hey they say three times is a charm. First build we didn't like because we felt that it was too high for the room that it was going into. Then we thought about using corner braces didn't like that either because it didn't square up. post-2633885-0-65626500-1393532493_thumb.jpgpost-2633885-0-16312500-1393532469_thumb.jpgpost-2633885-0-40328400-1393532537_thumb.jpgpost-2633885-0-15092400-1393532570_thumb.jpgpost-2633885-0-27283000-1393532604_thumb.jpgpost-2633885-0-56456300-1393532638_thumb.jpg

Once completed we checked to see if it was level! Ya dead center everywhere we checked.


Now here is my question to the club. We had three holes drilled in back of tank do we use all three for a fail safe drain flow to the sump or do it with two. They way the holes are lined across the tank if we use all three it seems that the PVC is going to really stick out into the tank. And can they be sprayed black ?


2/28 ya our stand is now ready to take the test. We treated both the top and bottom of the stand with a water sealant. Then we secure the top and bottom with screws counter sunk the screws. We haven't decided how were doing the outside yet. First the plumbing, then sump, pumps chiller on the out side of the stand. We are thinking of attaching an extremely long surge strip to the bank of the stand on the outside with a cover to protect the cords that will be plugged in.




Now here is our big issue. Our overflow box is not going to cut it. Tank holes were drilled about 6 inches down from the top. So if we install the overflow box our water level will be around 2 inches under the the black trim that goes around the tank.. Open for lots of suggestions here.post-2633885-0-58814400-1393643081_thumb.jpg

Edited by Cheshireboxers
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