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PH Monitor


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I am tired of testing my PH using test kits and would like to invest in a continuous monitoring solution.


I have heard that the Pinpoint PH monitor is the best at that price range and would like confirmation. Please post your comments/concerns.





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Pinpoint PH monitor- i have one, works great. love it. would recommend it. When you do get one make sure you get extra calibration liquids. I wish i did, now i have place an order somewhere for packs that cost 1 buck or so.

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Have one and they are great, have the salinity monitor also. Bought the extra calibration packs at the time of purchase, unlike Bob!!! lol

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I have a Millwaukee (controller) and a Pinpoint.........I'd give the nod to the Millwaukee unit. They come with the AC adapter, and are a tad easier to calibrate. It only goes to .1 but .01 is pretty meaningless anyway.


You won't be sorry with either one - a refractometer & a PH monitor were two of my best purchases - they make life much easier.

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Have a pinpoint and like it. Got the extra calibration fluids (4,7,10) and ended up giving away all the 7s before I realized it was the end of them.

I will want to get some (5) when you order yours please.

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Folks FYI

I have my test fluids in rubber stoppered testtubes! Learned this from Andrea before he returned to Russia! Works great and don't need to waste. I've used the same tubes for over a year and work excellent!


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Opinions- we all have one- I think the .01 that the pinpoint gives in acuracy is a help. I have a hand held milwalke that I'd just about give away- no consitancy at all from reading to reading. I am in for a fluid calibration buy when it goes down. Individual packs vs the bottle stuff.

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I have a pinpoint. It is a very good product. DO buy a lot of calibration fluids right off the bat. Or the test tubes :D


I think the extra accuracy is a big deal. Could be the difference between 8.05 and 8.15 if it reads 8.1 And that is at perfect calibration. Since calibration may leave you off by .49, you could get a 8.2 reading for a 8.01 or a 8.29 actual. For trending pH accuracy is a must. JMHO.

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I have a Pinpoint PH Monitor, and I love it as well. Its well worth the investment. Does anybody know where to buy extra calibration fluids?




Marine Depot has them for 95 cents for the 7 amd 10.


I see no need for the 4 if you are only keeping marine tanks.



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The places that sell the unit for $79.99 has the calibration solution priced at $1.50.

I may just get the units from them and look for calibration solution elsewhere at a later time. Is anyone interested in the solution at that rate?



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Before you buy any calibration fluids read Dr. Randy's article -


Randy's Calibration article


As for purchase, not sure. The probes are supposed to be calibrated/replaced annually..........so if you need a new probe you can order solution at the same time?


In the article above you'll find a link to making a PH check solution - I use that about 2x a year just to see if they're reading correctly.


Still not sold on .01 resolution - stability is more important IMHO. If low is 8.0 every night & high is 8.2 every day = good to me. Plus, the abosolute most it can vary is 9 hundreths and given most tanks have a 2+ tenths daily swing? Don't think it much matters if low is really 8.01 or 8.09 (same with high, 8.20/8.29). I do see the trending value in .01 when used in a CA reactor - tells me real fast which way the PH is headed.


But I digress..........either way you'll be much happier with a meter than the color indicating test kits.


Nothing beats walking into the equip room...........tank = 8.0 - good, CA reactor = 6.85 - good........takes all of two seconds :D

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You might want to consider getting the ph controller instead of just the monitor.


I bought the monitor at first, but found that I used it to keep track of how much kalkwasser to add. In the end, I bought the controller as well and used it to control a $50 DIY Neilsen reactor. My ph has been rock steady ever since. Unfortunately I wasted $80 on the monitor to begin with. I ended up giving the monitor to a friend who has since also bought a controller.



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