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Fish Questions


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Ok so we are finally restocking our tank after the crash.


We currently have:


2 Fancy percula clowns

2 Bartlet Anthias

1 Mandarin Goby

1 Midas Blenny

1 Hippo Tank (small Juvie- to answer another thread our tank will be too small as it matures but we hope to have a larger tank by then)


I am getting a Pearly Jawfish (I have the perfect home etc all set up and ready)


We like a lot of color and we need something Red, purple, and green


I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge on theses fish and have you ever seen them in person or at an LFS:


Red Stop Light Cardinalfish



Warpaint Clown Goby



Green Clown Goby



Mccullochi Dottyback



What is your experience with these:


Purple Firefish

Purple Dotty Back

Royal Gamma


We like smaller fish as you can see by our choices so far (except Dorrie lol), we like peaceful & reef safe. Any other suggestions that might be a good addition?


We have the following Inverts:

Hermits (multp)

Snails (mult types)

Cleaner Shrimp (2)

Porcelin Crab (2)


Strawberry Crab

Sandsifting Starfish

Fighting Conch




Examples- Torches, Aussie Elegance, Sun Coral, Monti, Acro, Zoas etc


As for current fish questions, Our Blue Mandarin Goby changes colors at night (pale white then looks almost like a green mandarin. He scared me as I thought something was wrong but he was perfect the next day. I have heard that is normal. Thoughts?


Oh and Dorrie acts like she is on crack at times! She is BFF with clowns and Anthias but raises her top fin when Benny swims buy (he is bigger than she is) but at the same time I will see her follow him and swim with him but she will also take his favorite cave before he can get there etc. I have heard that these fish can be crazy and a little on the dumb side. Thoughts?

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Avoid the dottybacks, Theyre fierce. Clown gobies can kill SPS so keep that in mind.


The cardinals, gramma and firefish would be a good fit for your tank. Also look at some of the reefsafe wrasses, flashers are really nice along with a handful of other wrasses, but avoid 6 lines as they are mean too.. I think you have a lid on your tank so you would be fine with those.

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Firefish - can be very territorial and aggressive

Purple Firefish - - can be very territorial and aggressive, but less then the firefish above

Purple Dotty Back - don't even think about it

Royal Gamma - perhaps, they are known to be mild and peaceful, but we've had folks report to us that they can become territorial


yellow clown gobies or citron clown gobies are pretty cool. they like to host, or rest on corals as well... small and lots of personality

based on your preference, you might want to consider helfrichi firefish. They are absolutely stunning, purple and totally peaceful and reef safe. Best in pairs though and since you have a hood, that would work since they are known jumpers

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In regards to the cardinal, they are nocturnal primarily - which means you won't often see it. Also, if you have any shrimp in the tank, they might get eaten. I had one eat a shrimp larger than its head... swam around with the antennae sticking out for 3 days while is munched on t.

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