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My rock anemone is going crazy...


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So plans fell through on meeting a forum member today, and I was on my way to Pristine Aquariums anyways, ended up coming back with a nice little frag of Hammerhead Frogspawn. Put it in the tank and it appears to be doing well. I also noticed what appeared to be a bright red feather duster. Never seen that before in my tank, neat!


So my rock anemone has been on the fritz. was happy at first, and then started moving its way up. I tried to keep it as close to the lights as possible, but in between last night and this morning, it fell off the back of my rock. I'm really starting to reconsider my aquascaping, When I build my 40, I'm going to put a lot of though into my pieces. When I grabbed for my biocube, I just was so excited I went for whatever rock I thought looked cool. The dude was grabbed onto the back of the tank, "neck" fully extended, flower almost closed. I don't know if I should have fiddled with nature or not, but I pried it off the back wall and brought it out front. I have a magnetic rack that I put in there and placed it on that, just to get it closer to the lights than the rock, and maybe get more flow, but I'm wondering what I should with it, put it in the sand bed and let it climb its way up the rock? my corals are a little scattered about, with no rhyme or reason, and I don't really have a place to put it on the rock without it falling down into it.


I expect the advice I'll get (in hindsight) is I should have just let it be, but it's concerning when all my other corals are doing well, and I can't quite figure this one out.



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I have just identified it as a "flower rock anemone." pics below

Top left



First week I had it:


Edited by YHSublime
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His coloring is odd.. almost like hes being burnt? I dont know alot about rock nems but almost all nems that can move will figure out where THEY want to be (PS my gorgeous RBTA is on the back of one of my rocks,,, no point trying to move the rock as he ALWAYS goes to the back)

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Then it's probably not excited about being stuck in a rack at the moment. My lights are off for the night, think I should go and move it, or it can wait till the AM?

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It can wait till the morning since your lights are off. I would NEVER pull it off of anything you could damage the foot...

set it at the base of your rock kind of where you would like it to go,lol and just move stuff as it moves...

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I had one awhile back. It was doing very well at the spot that I originally set it. For some reason, it decided to move elsewhere and went under a large rock (could get it out) and eventually died (maybe lack of light and food). Keep an eye on your and offer it some food!

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I think I'll get a baster tomorrow (I should have one anyways) Just checked it out in the moonlights, and it's hanging upside down from the rack that it squeezed through. Wonder if it'll drop?

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So, came out last night and checked it out in the moonlights, it had squeezed through the rack, and was hanging upside down. Figured I'd let it be until the AM. Found it on the other side of my tank on the back wall, made quick work of that! At least it's on the "open" wall and not behind the rock...yet.

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Aaaaaand, now it's upside down. I don't quite get it, but, "let it be," right small reef?



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Ok. I'll make it happen before I go to bed. Thanks for holding my hand through these trials and tribulations!

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