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Powder Blue Tang


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I bought one from Roozens last Sept.  It lasted about 6 weeks.  Just never ate real well.  It ate everything, but never enough to keep it robust and healthy.  It just wasted away in my tank.  It is the first tang that I have been unsuccessful with for over 5 years.


This is an advanced aquarist fish.

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reefmon kept one for years before his mass fish loss.  Not sure what the trick was- though he does feed the tanks by the buckets.
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I heard they were deeper water fish and when they are collected they don't bother to deco the fish. As a result the fish eventually withers away becuase it's air bladder has been ruptured.  


Of course this is just my theory, guys at roozen once told me this and I did some reserch on it. Came across a couple of collectors in Hawaii and south pacific that verified the deeper the fish is caught the less likely it is to stay alive.


But just cause i read it on the internet doesn't make it true.




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  • 2 weeks later...
i have had mine for about 10 months now, has grown in size and is very happy and healthy looking.  It does love to eat.  On top of my normal feeding i try to put a piece of nori in the tank at least one time a day.
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