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Pistol shrimp and Goby


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I've read about people housing these two and finding a symbiotic relationship. Is this really true?? If it is, I'd love to get this. I've also read bad things about mantis shrimp and they they can be predatory to other creatures in my tank. Are pistol shrimp predatory??? I have quite a few small hermits and snails, which is why I'm asking. Thanks guys.

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Also forgot to ask this. I know that gobys will make tunnels in the substrate. What kind of substrate allows this??? I have a 125gal with a mixture of 40lbs aragonit and around 60lbs of crushed coral. Would this be ok for tunnel/cave digging?

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Yes, they pair up. I've had several pistol shrimp & have never seen them go after hermit crabs or snails & typically just eat what they dig up. The aragonite/crushed coral should be great. One note, make sure that your LR is on the bottom of the tank & no sand under it as the shrimp/goby will dig & possibly undermine the LR creating an avolanch.

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I have a pair and they are always together . it's cool to watch the way they work together. I have had mine for over a year and have never had a problem with the pistol shrimp bothering anything. The only thing is the pistol will sometimes bulldoze sand creating piles on your coral that lay on the sand bed,not a big deal though ,you can easily turkey baste them off. They keep the sand bed nicely churned up.and I highly recommend them.

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