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New Ecotech Radions - 2013

Ryan S

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all depends on the size of your tank....much like metal halide 150w vs 175w 250w vs 400, or t5s 2 bulbs vs 20 bulbs.......every tank needs more or less light.


just cause you use 70% doesnt mean someone else doesnt need 100% and 2 more radions to light the entire tank...


for me its like the mp40....ecosmart vs wireless......seriously does the pump turn any faster with ecosmart??? thats a firmware change basically and everyone Jumped on it...thankfully making the wireless drivers much cheaper for those folks that spend their money in too many other places (NEVER LOOK AT A RACERS TIRE BUDGET or GDP)


look at the initial cheap lead fixtures, learning about heatsinks, LED bins etc...they get better over time.....dont know about 900 bucks better but to each his own...


T-rock...love the t5 comment...just too funny....to me it makes the evergrow or DIY set ups look much better...especially DIY as you can always adjust it for alot less than this price jump.

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