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What coral is this?


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I was given this coral by a guy who got me started on the reef aquarium hobby a couple of months ago. I tried to do some research on this coral, but I am unable to find out much about this coral. I tried to contact the individual who gave them to me, but he has since moved to Hawaii. I was wondering if any of you guys know what this coral is? The colony has spread since I had it which is quite surprising since I only add purple up since I got the corals and was using tap water. Anyways. Any help would be appreciated.



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Maybe it is because I'm on my phone...


In the first pic all I see is a snail shell and two vermetid snails. The second pic looks like brown star polyps. Really hard to tell from the picture.

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should i get rid of it or should i put it in my fuge? i am keeping soft corals since i am pretty new to this and dont know if the hydroids will take over my tank.

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The first picture isn't of a coral, but the vermetid snails are fine to keep if you want them. They are the purplish tubes.


The hydroids are invasive, I'd get rid of them.

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