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Power Compact DIY Question


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I am wondering if anyone uses Power Compact dry sockets in their hood. I am building my hood and i dont know if drysockets will be ok with some moisture. My nano cube has the dry sockets and i havent seen a problem but i wanted to get some feedback for you all. thanks in advance!

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I would be concerned if you had PCs without any kind of moisture block.


My guess is your nano had:

1. less water movement

2. a glass top


Electricity and water are a bad mix... do something to keep em apart.

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I am not familiar with the term "drysocket" in regards to PC lighting (though I am about to get my wisom teeth out... cross your fingers for me!) but I use PC actinics wihtout any kind of moisture sheiding. I agree with Grav - do something to keep electricity and water apart! Sometimes all you have to do is provide enough distance between the surface of the water and the socket. My MH bulbs are about 7" off of my water surface and my PCs 3-4". With an open top and back, I think that is an acceptably small risk of moisture buildup - and near zero risk of splashing water up to the sockets.

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