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ok i have torch and frogspawn that BOTH have poped there top the frogspawn about a month ago now the torch they have seperated fron ther hard base both looked fine one day next they where floting around the bottom placed the frogspawn in area with sand bottom and a egg crate top about 2 in above it looks fine...now my torch any idea on why they are doing this havent seen any fish around them could the file or tangs be pecking at them?

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It's called Polyp Bailout and its because something is causing them alot of stress. Either your tank parameters are out of wack or something is picking at them and they want to get away. As far as you saving them.... eh it doesn;t look good but if you can keep them isolated some how that would be a good start.

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It takes a very long time but you have to let them settle some place calm until they grow a new base. Unless you find out why they bailed they will probably die.

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