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So i just got 2 ocellaris clowns. They wont eat any of the pellet food. All they are doing is swimming in the currents. Will they hang around the rock work ??

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Lots of fish will not eat for a few days after you bring them home. It is probably due to stress. If it lasts for more than 2-3 days, then I'd worry. You can also try frozen brine shrimp to entice them to eat, but it's not a good staple food for them because adult brine shrimp have little nutritional value. Just use small amounts, a cube of that stuff will make your tank look like a snow globe, and that ain't good with no other fish in there.


Most of the fish I have did not eat until one full night cycle after acclimation, they were eating the next day.

Edited by Marc Weaver
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Pellets and flakes are great for them and should be all you need. The may or may not eat mysis shrimp, depending on the size of the shrimp. Mine won't eat the bigger PE Mysis brand, but they will eat the san francisco bay brand, which are smaller.


Hang in there, they will eat eventually.

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I feed flakes, new life spectrum pellets, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and sheets of seaweed (nori) every day. I don't specifically feed the clowns but they will eat just about everything that comes by them that can fit in their mouths. They won't eat off of the sand and don't seem to want to swim too far to eat.

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Are the pellets you have the very small ones, about 1mm in diameter? If they are the larger ones, about the size of a BB, they won't work when the fish are that small. If the clowns see that the pellets are too big, they won't even try to eat them.

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Most new fish will not eat the first couple of days because of stress. Did you ask to see the fish eat before you bought them? If they go long without eating I would feed them some live enriched brine to get them healthy first then try flakes and pellets later once they are established into the tank.

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They are eating when they see the food. they like to hang out in one of the rock formations. they will each ear 2-3 pellets. its just getting them to see the food is my issue.



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