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anem NOt doing good


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got a nice long ten anem about 2 weeks ago been going GREAT my seabay clown started hosting ..today I come home to find it all baled up and looks like his footh as that DREDDED white stuff comming out in 2 small spots any way i can save it? i scooped it out of the main tank and put in in a basket in my sump with good water flow ??any idesa why it did this can the clown be too agressive with it??MY $%&^*&(%^ file fish has been pecking at the tips of it GRRRRR madning as all being he WONT eat the anems he is SUPPOSED to

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Your clown didn't hurt it. It may also be expelling waste which is normal. The filefish could be irritating it so watch him. Is it fully inside out? Has it moved its foot? Is it disintegrating/melting?


Can you post a pic? I nuked my nems ( cry.gif ) so I can hopefully tell you if it's a goner or not.

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First check your water to make sure everything is where it should be. The clown could be the cause as they can love anemones to death if they are large clowns. Could the anemone just be deflated from going to the bathroom? They will do that the day after eating something but seeing the inner tissue coming out is not a good sign and sounds like something ripped the tissue. If the filefish has been seen picking at it then one of the two will have to go.

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the side right at the base of the foot has white stuff like it was a tare in it .The top closed up pritty tight but can see the mouth a little NOt inside out YET but fear it is comming can you split a long ten? was wondering if i split the bad side off if it would recover

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If it's a tear on the foot I would think it should recover with good water quality and if kept away from fish for awhile. Don't quote me though and good luck!

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Your clown didn't hurt it. It may also be expelling waste which is normal. The filefish could be irritating it so watch him. Is it fully inside out? Has it moved its foot? Is it disintegrating/melting?


Can you post a pic? I nuked my nems ( cry.gif ) so I can hopefully tell you if it's a goner or not.



did u nuke them with AIPTASIA-X ?I have a LARG carpet and after 12 pprmint and 2 file fish nothing was making a dent in them. sooo i got some AIPTASIA-X and the guy at lfs (that i DONT trust) said i could use just not to get the AIPTASIA-X close 2 the other anems.I read the info on how to use and NOT one word about harming anems a have only done a few at a time and none close to my good anema and sucked the stuff up as best as i could before i turned the pumps back on,Aabout 3 days later my carpet COMPLETLEY barried itself in the sandI have NEVER had one do this. he is back up now and looks ok but was wondering if it was the AIPTASIA-X not sure i wil use it anymore

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I had a TON of aiptasia everywhere. I got a little fiesty and nuked every last one. I thought I was very careful to avoid being close to my huge anemones and left the pumps off for longer to allow it to dissentegrate better. In 2 days my rbta's were gone and melted ontop of some gorgeous montis as well. The monti's are recovering, I've added a new nem that doesn't show any effects from the aiptasiaX and my maximini was only upset for a couple days but has since recovered fine. (Oh and I still have some ninja aiptasia springing back to life)


It's fine to use in small quantities I'm sure. I just got a little overzealous with my breakout as they were killing some beautiful zoas. Just kill them off a small area and allow your tank to recover for a couple days after.

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I would not split it as they do not recover as well as the E. quads do. I would just let it heal on it's own. A tear on the side near the base is not what I would think of as stress from water quality or what would have been caused form the AiptasiaX. It would be more from the clown being rough with it or from something nipping at the foot.

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LTAs don't split naturally, from what I have read/understand. Definitely DO NOT cut it, as this will likely be a death sentence for it. Keeping it isolated for a little R&R is what I would do too, however, this is a sand-dwelling anemone that like to have it's foot dug in. IMO, it will feel "more at home" if you can recreate this for it. Here is what I would do.


Keep it in the isolation box as you have, but get a 6-8" length of 2" or 3" diameter pvc (depending on the size of the anemone - it looks fairly small, so I would probably go with 2" diameter and 6" length) and put a pvc cap on one end. Fill the pvc tube 2/3 with sand or gravel, stand the tube upright, and place the anemone in the tube and let it dig its foot down into the sand. This should help it get acclimated, feel secure and hopefully heal up.


Good luck.




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LTAs don't split naturally, from what I have read/understand. Definitely DO NOT cut it, as this will likely be a death sentence for it. Keeping it isolated for a little R&R is what I would do too, however, this is a sand-dwelling anemone that like to have it's foot dug in. IMO, it will feel "more at home" if you can recreate this for it. Here is what I would do.


Keep it in the isolation box as you have, but get a 6-8" length of 2" or 3" diameter pvc (depending on the size of the anemone - it looks fairly small, so I would probably go with 2" diameter and 6" length) and put a pvc cap on one end. Fill the pvc tube 2/3 with sand or gravel, stand the tube upright, and place the anemone in the tube and let it dig its foot down into the sand. This should help it get acclimated, feel secure and hopefully heal up.


Good luck.




good idea will try it thanks
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