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What do you think of this set up


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I am starting a 60 gallon FOWLR tank. Marineland emporer 400 filter, Aqua Remora Pro is in the mail. 50 lbs. of live rock 60 lbs livesand. Tank is cycling right now. I am new to hobby and curious of stocking rates. I was thinking,

Hippo Tang

Yellow Tang

Some kind of Clown

Arc-Eyed Hawkfish

Flame Angel

Coral Beauty


About 36 inches of adult fish for 60 gallon some say yes some say no. Planning to upgrade before hippo tank reaches full size. also would like suggestions on a cleanup crew for this type of setup. Thank you for any help and suggestions.

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Welcome to WAMAS!


Everything you listed sounds fine, except the firefish may get harassed or feel stressed in an otherwise active tank. It may hide a lot or end up on the floor one day if the tank is not well covered.

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I am starting a 60 gallon FOWLR tank. Marineland emporer 400 filter, Aqua Remora Pro is in the mail. 50 lbs. of live rock 60 lbs livesand. Tank is cycling right now. I am new to hobby and curious of stocking rates. I was thinking,

Hippo Tang

Yellow Tang

Some kind of Clown

Arc-Eyed Hawkfish

Flame Angel

Coral Beauty


About 36 inches of adult fish for 60 gallon some say yes some say no. Planning to upgrade before hippo tank reaches full size. also would like suggestions on a cleanup crew for this type of setup. Thank you for any help and suggestions.


If the tank isn't closed top, don't even bother with the firefish - they will jump out. Otherwise, you should be fine.

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I am starting a 60 gallon FOWLR tank. Marineland emporer 400 filter, Aqua Remora Pro is in the mail. 50 lbs. of live rock 60 lbs livesand. Tank is cycling right now. I am new to hobby and curious of stocking rates. I was thinking,

Hippo Tang

Yellow Tang

Some kind of Clown

Arc-Eyed Hawkfish

Flame Angel

Coral Beauty


About 36 inches of adult fish for 60 gallon some say yes some say no. Planning to upgrade before hippo tank reaches full size. also would like suggestions on a cleanup crew for this type of setup. Thank you for any help and suggestions.



In my opinion, sixty gallons is on the small side for one tang, much less two. If you decide to do it anyway I would make sure to add them at the same time.

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If you have not already researched each individual fish, I strongly suggest you do it before deciding what to put in the tank.


My personal opinion is that it is way too many fish for that size of tank, and you would have a lot of trouble keeping your water quality good.


The firefish is IMO too non-competitive to put with all the other fish you listed in a tank of that size, meaning it wouldn't get enough food, would hide, and would possibly leap out of the tank.


I asked people here about putting both a hippo and a yellow tang in the 75 to which I'm upgrading, and the general consensus was that the tank is too small for both of them (when grown, not babies), and is probably not big enough for a full grown hippo even if the only tang. As far as just a yellow, I personally would keep one up to 4" in size in 60g tank, but not a full grown one.


The flame angel and coral beauty may nip corals should you ever decide to add corals to your tank. My understanding is that they might not get along with each other, but maybe I have been hearing the minority instead of the majority regarding compatibility.


Edit: I keep seeing this post written like in code - I hope it's showing up normal for everyone else!

Edited by treesprite
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It is a 4 ft. tank. I keep hearing that firefish is too peaceful so may have to rethink. I heard the tangs will take a couple yrs. to get big so I was thinking I would have a couple years before I upgraded tanks. If I move up to reef I will probably upgrade my fo tank and use the 60 for my first attempt at a reef.

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I would pick only one pygmy angel as the Flame Angel and Coral Beauty will fight in a tank that small. I have tried that combo several times in different ways and it never worked out. The Coral Beauty beat the Flame every time.

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David is correct, unless you are able to pair a male and female together and they bond they will most likely harass each other with one ending up injured or dead (we have a coral beauty and lemonpeel pair at school in a 72 bowfront and they get along without any aggression as they are bonded, there's also a couple of damsels and a pair of gold bar maroons). I think you may have too many fish in there as well for the long term. As all small fish, you're fine, but once the aggression sets in when they grow up, you're probably in for a couple of deaths. In my experience, the firefish will do fine if it stakes out a hiding place and is left alone, otherwise, as others have said, it'll jump out of the tank when spooked. For the hawkfish, I'm not a big fan of them as they eat ornamental shrimp, but they are cool fish. Be careful of the type of clown you add, too, as some are more aggressive than others. Also, you might want to consider a pair of them, although that may also result in some aggression from them once they stake out a claim to territory in the tank.

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Oh, good for you for not including pretty little damsels to your list - a lot of people make that mistake with their first tanks, because damsels tend to be so pretty and so cheap... cheap until they cost you a fortune by killing off the rest of your fish! They are extremely hard to catch!


When/if you get tangs, I suggest you try to get the shop to use a container to catch them rather than a net, and do the same yourself at home . Their little spike things can easily get stuck in the net causing injury to the fish, and their spines tend to get caught in the net more than many other types of fish.

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If are going to get the clowns I would recommend you put a request out for them here on WAMAS as there are a few clown breeders on the site. Buying any tank raised fish is cool, buying local is even better.

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Does anyone know who the clown breeders are?


Doug (Dbartco) usually has some very nice Ocellaris clowns.

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welcome. as far as the tangs go, IMO you will be more than ok as long as you get a decent skimmer and you get both as babies (i.e. quarter size or less than 2"). Alternatively if you are trying to get a 4-5" hippo and 3" yellow, then i would say no way, not enough room.


also i will note that generally speaking the smaller specimens are much more sensitive.

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