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Reloading the CA reactor...


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I know - some of you have probably done this a dozen times. :eek:


But you know how scary and exciting the first time can be!


After a year of operation, there was only about an inch of media left in my CA reactor - so... with some trepidation (considering I knew NOTHING about them when I set it up), I disconnected everything - dumped out the gunk, and cleaned everything up.


NOTE the area circled - there had been a small leak, and the salt creep ate the paint right off the motor; but it seems to run just fine.



The leak - appears to have been caused by constant vibration of the motor slightly loosening things. ALL of the circled connectors and screws needed to be tightened - despite having done it once, a week after I set it up (per someone's suggestion):



And then... all put back together, with fresh media in it. I started it running about 20 minutes ago, and pH is down to about 7.25 last I looked. (look at my sig to see where it is NOW!)



All in all - the job was much easier and quicker than anticipated!!



Edited by lanman
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