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Yes, I know they're Mojano's

paul b

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I still like them. I got rid of about a dozen mojanos last year and then one popped up. They are anemones and years ago we couldn't even keep them alive so I let this little guy live.

He split and became two. Then he grew about 2" tall and now became three. They are all still on the same rock and not spreading all over the place so I let them live there. We have an understanding and it suits both of us.

This is the largest mojanos I have ever seen and they look like some other type of anemone. They have been in that same place for maybe 2 years.

I kind of go for wierd anyway.





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You are correct, usually they spread all over the place but for some reason, these split to re produce and seem to be staying put for a very long time. I don't even have one any place else.

They don't bother me and if I get too many I just stick a small wire brush from a Dremmel on them and twist. They hate that, and no, they don't spread like that. :clap:

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mine started out that way and now I have so many that I can't even count.


Yes I know that well most of them do that (the tank is 39 years old) I have had my share of those. These just seem to be much larger and stay put. They are easy to eliminate if they get out of hand

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  • 7 months later...

I had some free time so I thought I would annoy my mojanos.

I like to inject them with different things, just because. Well just because I can.

Today's mixture was calcium and straight Lugols Iodine.

They hate it when I do that. You should see what they write about me on the inside of the glass.

I doubt it kills them but I bet it really upsets their stomach :idea:




These here are not speaking to me anymore since I injected them with iron, vinegar and calcium.



Edited by paul b
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