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My other hobby


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i can only speak for my adventures, in which the answer is not really.


in any case possible, i personally speak to the property owner and obtain permission (although this was much easier in kentucky when i just wanted to check out the old barn in the field). if there's no owner on record, i like to run it by the local police. their general concern is always theft/vandalizing property and personal safety. in those cases where the place isnt truly about to cave in, the local pd is often quite helpful especially if they understand that you're interested in the history of the location and discretely documenting it with photos. going that route ensures that the activities are legal if/when confronted.


if that weren't the case, i have no reason to think anyone would ever be arrested for simple trespassing in an abandonment, without having some criminal record that suggests they were up to more than trespassing or running if a policeman sees you. My understanding is that, in most states, a simple trespassing violation might result in a ticket, with a cost similar to a fine for speeding (in kentucky, since i know the laws there much better, the fine for trespassing is actually cheaper than that for speeding...not personal experience, my mother worked for a lawyer). As long as you're doing nothing but photographing the location - not stealing/vandalizing, not breaking and entering, not carrying around crowbars or spray paint cans like an idiot - the officer would just ask you to leave the location. Again, they're really more concerned with public safety and preventing vandalism/fires in the building moreso than preventing someone from taking some pictures.


All very true, Goverment property on the other hand is another story.

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