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Is dead reef rock ok for...?


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I have some old reef rock, i bought it dry, its called dead reef rock, im sure everyone knows what it is.. Like rock you would use for african cichlids.. My question is... Is that ok to use in the sump where you would put bio balls.. I always used live rock in this area before, but would the reef rock work the same..? Thanks..

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I have some old reef rock, i bought it dry, its called dead reef rock, im sure everyone knows what it is.. Like rock you would use for african cichlids.. My question is... Is that ok to use in the sump where you would put bio balls.. I always used live rock in this area before, but would the reef rock work the same..? Thanks..


The only difference b/t this rock and live rock is the presence of live bacteria. If you put it in your sump (or anywhere in your tank) it will turn into live rock. It's fine to use anywhere in your system.

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Ok thats what i thought.. I tried to use it in the tank once, but had some hair algae problems, which probably wasnt the rocks fault.. Cool, well thanks guys, that was quick and easy...


It would help to seed it with some real live rock. Put a piece of live rock in the middle of your base rock to help populate it with organisms (bacterial as well as microfauna). THat's what I've always done.

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