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xenia appearance when "melting"?


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What exactly does xenia look like when it's starting to melt down? I moved the xenia in my work tank to a lower spot before being away for 4 days, and it's not looking happy... it's stalks are all stretched thin (I guess from trying to get to more light?) and are not completely upright. I think if I move it back up on the rock it was on it will perk up, but in case it doesn't, what is the progression to look for?

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stretching thin usually means branching off..mine just did...it stretched until it is completely detached from the other stalk and is now on the adjacent rock..if it was melting its arms would probably fall off in the process..my previous colony melted..

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There are no arms falling off, at least not that I can tell. I moved it to its old spot yesterday closer to the light (PCs for the nano), but seen only a little improvement. If it doesn't look better tomorrow, I'll have to seriously consider taking it out.


What happened to your tank when you old xenia died?

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Guest Zimzdoodle

I know when our xenia was not happy in its location it really looked as if it was an ice sculputure and melting to nothing and the color was horrible.


Hopefully its just trying to branch off and make "babies" :)

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When I moved my xenia from one side of the tank to the other, It looked very unhappy for a couple of days & then perked right back. I'd give it a couple more days. :)

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When xenia pulses really elogated I thought it meant it wasn't getting enough light especially when it pulses very slowly!

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If is is ok, either way I need to cut it up and take about half out because it's just in a 16H nano.


There are actually 4 separate stalks because it split all up when the tops got caught in a powerhead a while back. One was trying to attatch onto anything mid-stalk (ie trying to split) when it was laying across the sand, so now that it isn't laying down like that, it has a tiny shell stuck to it. I'm curious to see if it either envelops the shell trying to split to it, drops the shell, or separates onto it causing it to fall off with a piece of xenia atttatched.

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I think it's bleaching. Maybe I should take it home because there are more nutrients in the water, which supposedly xenia likes. THen if it doesn't perk up I will have to destroy it :(

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I took it home... it started to look a little better initially, then starting going downhill again so I threw it away. It didn't lose "arms" or anything. It turned very pale, had white slotchy areas, and was drooping. THe tentacles of the polyps looked thinner, however they were still pulsing all this time.

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pulsing through all this time?wow...I wonder what was going on with them..

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pulsing through all this time?wow...I wonder what was going on with them..

That's why I was thinking it would revcoverer, but it was so sick-looking that I couldn't risk letting it stay in teh tank just based on the pulsing; my understanding is that dying xenia can cause serious water problems.

Edited by treesprite
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