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water flow help


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So, as a few people told me I moved my star coral to make it it's own island. Now that I moved things i do not have enough water flow for my hammer coral. Being it is only a 10 gal tank I do not want to add another power head. Below is a very bad diagram of how the tank is now(I can't take a pic my daughter is in bed,tank in her room). Any suggestions, please help! :cheers:I should mention I have an Eheim filter 145 gal/hour(its for a 60 gal tank)


Edited by Clyde
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No diagram... have you thought about adding a hang on back (HOB) filter? This can give you extra water volume and also give you more movement. If you do a search for the member Sugar Magnolia and refugium you will come up with a nice DIY refugium using the Aquaclear filters.


OK, that's strange... there was no diagram and now there is one...


Given the size of your tank, try putting the powerhead in the back and direct it at the front of the tank and have the water hit the front glass directly. This will give you some additional flow from front to back and side to side.

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Thanks. I will try moving the head Sat. Can I put anything on the eheim out flow to give multiple direction water flow?


Thanks!!!!!!!!! :cheers:

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They have spray bars you can use (I'm assuming the Eheim is a canister filter). Or, just plumb it into a homemade spray bar or a SCWD.

New to the hobby, about six months. Not sure what a spray bar is or how to plumb it, nor do I know what a SCWD is. Sorry for ignorance but I LOVE to learn. Can you learnicate me :eek: And yes it is a canister.

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A spray bar is just a pipe that is capped at one end that has holes drilled along it to shoot the water out at a higher velocity and along a wider path. SCWD is the acronym (pronounced like squid) for Switching Current Water Director. Basically it has a water driven rotating drum inside that switches the water back and forth between two exits. It's a fairly cheap alternative to a wavemaker with powerheads and can be hooked up to anything that pushes water as long as you can size it properly for the nozzle. They are fairly reliable but they do reduce the amount of water flow due, although it makes up for that with the alternating current that is generated.

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Thanx for the info :cheers: Can I cap the end of my out flow and drill holes in the eheim out flow? or will this cause back flow into my container?

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