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Placing Zoanthids


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I've found much information about aggression levels between corals and how far of a berth to leave between a torch and a zoa. What I want to know about is placing zoas and palys in close proximity to one another. Basically, am I likely to have success with a patch of one species of zoa or paly growing right next to (i.e. on the same rock as, and abuttin) a patch of another species?


I ask because I am looking to create color variety in my biocube 14 mostly from zoas. I was figuring on having Xenia, a frogspawn or similar, and rockwork dedicated mostly to zoas/palys. Mushrooms are not at all appealing to me, and with stock lighting my options are obviously somewhat restricted.

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Zoas will be just fine when placed next to each other. I have never experienced inter-species aggression with zoanthids.



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