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Kalk dossing vs 2 parts


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In my setup I have always dosed Kalk and never done the 2 part method. From my perspective it seems that Kalkwasser dossing is just much easier. I am curious if I am missing something. I understand that when corals start using much more calcium and Alkalinity the Kalkawaser may not be able to keep up but I dont see this as the reason people go to two parts. Plus kalk is so cheap to buy.


I suppose my question is: What is the advantages, if any of doing 2 part soloution over Kalk dosing?

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Dosing Kalkwasser can never increase your alkalinity....I forget the details, but it's somewhere on ReefCentral.


And because of the low disollution rate of calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide, you can't practically use Kalkwasser to increase your Ca either.


That's when the two-parts come into play, when you want to get them up to NSW levels.



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I run Kalk and 2-part. All of my topoff goes through the kalk, but I don't have enough evaporation to meet the Calcium/Alk needs for my tank with the topoff. So, the 2-parts adds the rest. I think 2-part is much stronger than kalk. You can add a lot less 2-part to reach your desired levels. I could be a bit off on this but that is my understanding and so far it is keeping my Calcium and Alk at good levels for my coral to grow.


Check out bulkreefsupply.com. You can get all of the 2-part stuff at really good prices.





In my setup I have always dosed Kalk and never done the 2 part method. From my perspective it seems that Kalkwasser dossing is just much easier. I am curious if I am missing something. I understand that when corals start using much more calcium and Alkalinity the Kalkawaser may not be able to keep up but I dont see this as the reason people go to two parts. Plus kalk is so cheap to buy.


I suppose my question is: What is the advantages, if any of doing 2 part soloution over Kalk dosing?

Edited by jstlsn
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Dosing Kalkwasser can never increase your alkalinity....I forget the details, but it's somewhere on ReefCentral.


And because of the low disollution rate of calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide, you can't practically use Kalkwasser to increase your Ca either.


That's when the two-parts come into play, when you want to get them up to NSW levels.




Not sure I follow... Here is an excert from "When Do Calcium and Alkalinity Demand Note Exactly Balance" by R.H. Farley:


Clear, settled limewater has a ratio of approximately 20.0 ppm Ca++ to 1 meq/L of alkalinity. It has no significant magnesium in it, and its strontium level is very low. For those dosing cloudy limewater, lime solids that I have measured contain enough magnesium to drop the ratio to about 19.9 ppm calcium per 1 meq/L of alkalinity.


and another by the same auther entitled "CHEMISTRY AND THE AQUARIUM by RANDY HOLMES-FARLEY":


The calcium ions in the solution obviously supply calcium to the tank, and the hydroxide ions supply alkalinity. Hydroxide itself provides alkalinity (both by definition2 and as measured with an alkalinity test), but corals consume alkalinity as bicarbonate6, not hydroxide. Fortunately, when limewater is used in a reef tank, it quickly combines with atmospheric and in-tank CO2 and bicarbonate to form bicarbonate and carbonate
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I run Kalk and 2-part. All of my topoff goes through the kalk, but I don't have enough evaporation to meet the Calcium/Alk needs for my tank with the topoff. So, the 2-parts adds the rest. I think 2-part is much stronger than kalk. You can add a lot less 2-part to reach your desired levels. I could be a bit off on this but that is my understanding and so far it is keeping my Calcium and Alk at good levels for my coral to grow.


Check out bulkreefsupply.com. You can get all of the 2-part stuff at really good prices.






Tthose that are actually having a hard time getting and then sustaining appropriate levels of ALK and Ca might consider a Ca reactor.

Dosing KALK and using 2 part often leads to taking this chemistry way out of balance, and generally leads to binding together any calcium based sand in the system.

CA of 380-400 and an ALK of 10-12 ususally will produce spectacular results.

Much higher on the CA and you'll be soaking pumps much more frequently.

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I wish I had bookmarked that thread...it was actually Randy Holmes-Farley who explained it....something about the interrelationship between Alk & pH. Or maybe I was dreaming! But the reason you can't use it practically to raise Ca is that there's not much Ca in saturated Kalkwasser, and most tanks don't evaporate enough daily, that Kalkwasser will provide enough Ca to meet their demand.


I'll see if I can track the thread down, because I found it pretty surprising.



Edited by lancer99
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I think that this articel by RANDY HOLMES-FARLEY pretty much sums it up: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/nov2002/chem.htm

Depending on which zone your water parameters fall into, he tells you what supplements will work best, be it kalk or calcium chloride, etc.

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I initially used calcium cholride to raise my Ca level to my personal target range after increasing the ALK to my desired range. I did this in conjunction by upping my KALK useage. Adding Ca chloride can lower ALK and is why I chose to accomplish it in this order.

Once you get there, a properly set Ca reactor will tale over.

I disagree that KALK does not contain much Ca however finding that it mutually depends upon how it mixed making it availabe to disolve into solution. Calcium carbonate (enhanced by mixing KALK in a non airtight situation) is not readily disolveable in our situation. Unless it's in a Ca reactor which you should realize operated at a lower pH.


This is a one minute version that can be taken as you wish.

It has worked well for me and those that I have discussed it with and have chosen to follow suit.

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I wish I had bookmarked that thread...it was actually Randy Holmes-Farley who explained it....something about the interrelationship between Alk & pH. Or maybe I was dreaming! But the reason you can't use it practically to raise Ca is that there's not much Ca in saturated Kalkwasser, and most tanks don't evaporate enough daily, that Kalkwasser will provide enough Ca to meet their demand.


I'll see if I can track the thread down, because I found it pretty surprising.



Okay, I *was* dreaming. It's pH that can't be increased, other than temporarily, by adding Kalk, because it quickly goes back into equilibrium.





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I initially used calcium cholride to raise my Ca level to my personal target range after increasing the ALK to my desired range. I did this in conjunction by upping my KALK useage. Adding Ca chloride can lower ALK and is why I chose to accomplish it in this order.

Once you get there, a properly set Ca reactor will tale over.

I disagree that KALK does not contain much Ca however finding that it mutually depends upon how it mixed making it availabe to disolve into solution. Calcium carbonate (enhanced by mixing KALK in a non airtight situation) is not readily disolveable in our situation. Unless it's in a Ca reactor which you should realize operated at a lower pH.


This is a one minute version that can be taken as you wish.

It has worked well for me and those that I have discussed it with and have chosen to follow suit.

What if you add Kalk to vinegar in a balanced soultion?

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In my setup I have always dosed Kalk and never done the 2 part method. From my perspective it seems that Kalkwasser dossing is just much easier. I am curious if I am missing something. I understand that when corals start using much more calcium and Alkalinity the Kalkawaser may not be able to keep up but I dont see this as the reason people go to two parts. Plus kalk is so cheap to buy.


I suppose my question is: What is the advantages, if any of doing 2 part soloution over Kalk dosing?

I was using kalk plus two part, ran out of two part and now add Figi Gold calcium. I don't test for calcium, but the corals are growing at an alarming rate. I think I'll switch back to two park for alk control though.


I would think your system is so big that the cost of two part aditives would exceed the cost of a calcium reactor in no time. I'm sure you could find a 2nd hand one to set up.

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Thanks for all the imput. I actually have a calcium reactor and a co2 bottle just have never hooked it up. I plan on doing this eventually but was just curious as to which more people do and why.


Ever since I began using my Kalk stirrer I have been very happy with it. I just never used two parts so was curious as to what people thought about one or the other. I plan on hooking up my reactor eventually just havn't really had the need or time.

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