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Green Clown


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i got my clownfish umm two weeks ago, a week and a half ago ish

and everything was going along fine, and i noticed one of my clowns started turning greenish, or more dull, and not as orange.



then last night and this morning it has stayed up in the corner of my tank, kinda on its side but its a live, and it swims a bit in the corner but doesnt leave it



do u think the color is related? and is there anything i can do for these clowns, they were captive bred!

it had been playing with the other clown up to last night wen it just went to the corner and stayed there



-any suggestions? ideas?

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sick fish most likely means poor water quality... test and I'd do a water change either way

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he is green in the top region not all over


all other fish seem good though


anyway i came home and he was swimming around fine and "happy"


but i'll do a water change anyway

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he is green in the top region not all over


all other fish seem good though


anyway i came home and he was swimming around fine and "happy"


but i'll do a water change anyway


kinda strange. Maybe he was envious of the other fish.

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