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my mushroom that I got from Antonio split over the last couple days... today is is totally 2 separate ones. I have no clue what kind of mushroom these are... they are fuzzy brown with greenish stripes. Being that this is the first time for me, I at first had no clue why the mushroom was looking crunched in the middle... I thought there was something wrong with it until yesterday I realized what it was doing.


Oh, this is one of the ones that vanished for maybe a week, I had to take all the lr out of the tank to search for it and found it after hours of tedious examination of all pieces of rock and sifting the top layer of sand. It was very tiny and had been probably in total darkness for a while. Amazing recovery.

Edited by treesprite
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  • 4 weeks later...

Bob, where do you get that big size veil material around here? I went to Michaels but all I could find was the small stuff.




Just don't try to picture me wearing one!


Use this picture instead....



Now ... picture rubble rock in the bucket, and little pieces of mushroom not being able to float OUT of the bucket because of the bridal veil netting.


How do they reproduce. By fission, I guess. New little mushrooms just pop up at the base of the other one; and quite often, they then let loose, and float around the tank until they find a place they like. I have a green 'fuzzy' mushroom that splits itself. Grows a 2nd 'foot', then self-divides over the course of a few days. Just be patient - if you got a baby to start with, he has to grow up before he will make babies.



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I have an easier solution than trying to find bridal netting....


Any drugstore or grocery store has those soft bath and body scrubbers. They are like a soft squishy ball of stretchy mesh, held together by a knotted string that goes through the middle. Cut the string and you'll have more mesh than you know what to do with! :)


You may even have one stashed away in your house somewhere. Check the wife's bathroom cabinet. LOL



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I have an easier solution than trying to find bridal netting....


Any drugstore or grocery store has those soft bath and body scrubbers. They are like a soft squishy ball of stretchy mesh, held together by a knotted string that goes through the middle. Cut the string and you'll have more mesh than you know what to do with! :)


You may even have one stashed away in your house somewhere. Check the wife's bathroom cabinet. LOL




Smart thinking, Tracy, except on the one in the house... would prob have soap residue.


You can also get those things in practically any dollar store.

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