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Marine Scene

Guest Faustous

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I have shopped at the marine scene since it first opened in the 90's. I like to shop there for live stock and emergency dry goods. I bought my new tank and stand from them. They are all knowledgable staff there. The quarentine practices are good. On the complaint about the sale of livestock to the marine scene without a price. I would find it a bad practice to let anyone who called know how much my wholesale cost is for corals and fish. I work in retail and I would never disclose the costs we pay for any item. I believe the practice at the maine scene is fair. My understanding is they only accept livestock on tuesdays when melissa is working. and store credit is offered, not cash. I once traded in a xenia rock which was from the same colony that i bought from them 6 months before. I will continue to shop there. I also live 5 minutes from them so i want to give them my support/ business.


David B.


I work 5 minutes from them, but live 55 mins from them. Either you need my job, or I need your house! :biggrin:



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