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I stopped by Petland to show my daughter the puppies and birds and found that they have a marine section. The displays are well done with liverock and softcorals. The fish appeared to be VERY healthy and well fed, I'm sure the live rock helps. Overall, the store was clean and the employees were friendly and helpful. I would have gotten a jawfish, but they were out.


This has to be one of the better chainstores I have been in. Its not a "reefgeek" Ubermerzssaltzwwasser fanatic kinda place, but a good well run pet store.


And for the freshwater people the tanks are well displayed with live plants and healthy fish.

Edited by martin
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Is this the one about 10mins from GMU? If so, I didnt know they carried SW. Was there about 1-2yrs ago.


Sounds like it, the manager said their SW was about 3mnths old.

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I was showing my daughter the puppies and birds today and left with an extra large spotted goby and a 6line wrasse. both for $45.00 The goby is at least 4". They have some monster class (oxymorone?) gobies there. THe kid said they have been the tanks for months. They use lots of live rock in their displays, so the fish are nice and healthy.


The store is a nice place to take my daughter while looking at fish.

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I live five minutes tops from them. They suprised me on how they expanded the saltwater selection. When I first started last year I got damsels from them the only saltwater section they had was the hexagon tank with a few live rocks, hahahaha some prices are awesome and the rest is just like wally's or marine scene. oh yeah thanks for the pistol martin took me awhile to approve but I got it....

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