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How To Catch a Fish

Caribbean Jake

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I am at that point in time where I need to catch few fish in my 135G reef tank.  I tried the net or two without luck, they are too fast and too many places to hide.  I tried the bottle and food as trap for hours and some come in while the ones I want to take out do not (like they know?).  Does anyone have a fish trap I can borrow?  What other option besides taking the reef tank apart do I have?





Once catched, I will have a beautiful Half Black Angel (Centropyge Vroliki) 2-1/2", a bright Blue Devil Damsel (Chrysiptera cyanea) 2-1/2", and a gorgeous Maroon Clown (Premnas biaculeatus) 2-1/2" for trade or sale.

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Night with a bright flashlight sometimes blinds or stuns them long enough to get the net on them- depends on how deep in the rock work they camp, but if your rock work is fixed even this can be difficult if you can not move the occasional rock around.

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Guest bill33
get a specimen container and corner them,   also do it when you turn the lights on,  they wil be disoriented sorta
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thanks guys

the rock work I got is difficult to deal with since the aqua spacing was done to hide all kinds of fish and sizes in mind and there is a lot of open space behind the large rocks and way down in the tank.  I will try the flash light and see.  Does anyone has one of those traps I can borrow?

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I think you will find yourself pulling the rock eventually... Worth trying other options.

Why are you getting rid of the fish?  Are they nipping corals/each other?

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Out of the question.  There are 130 pounds of LR in there.


I want to add an Oriole Angel that is not compatible with Half Black.  Also the Maroon spawn and killed the male and is now going after the Percula, the Blue Damsel is not compatible with my new introduced pair of Pigmy Angles.  So decisions, decisions.... what you do?


Now remember these fish were part of the deal when I bought the 135G tank.  I knew then I didn’t want them in the tank but had no choice to keep them until I could sale them or trade them.  A mistake?  Yes you can say that twice.  I should have done that, but then again I didn’t and here I am with my dilemma.



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Patience is a virtue.

One word I hear over and over since I started this hobby is patience, and it pays off.  I sat in front of my 135G with a 2lt bottle and some food in it, and in 1 hour I caught seven of my nine fish using the trap method.  Did I mentioned not a single rock was moved?  I never caught the Half Black Angel but tomorrow is always a brighter day.  


Anyone interested in FS/FT a fish please see my other posting “FS/FT Nice Fishes” in Sale Trade forum.  Thank you.



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Great tanks! Folks got to check out his FISH TRAP! cool!

Being his unofficial Marketing man, I'm only charging $19.95 for each trap with FREE Shipping! Hurry supplies are limited in the trash can :)

Thanks for the 10g/6g tanks last night, got it cleaned and about to swap at my office for my old BROKE tank!


BTW, Great looking fish for sale!

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Patience is all you need

After three days and using my own fish trap I got every single fish and invert in my tank.  it is amazing what a 2 Lt bottle, a pull string, and some food can do to trap fishes in a reef tank without moving a single rock.  I think I'm going to patent this and start selling it for $5.


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