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Stocking my 125g

Guest clownfish4

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Guest clownfish4

Well, I got my 125g tank yesterday and am going to set it up today!  Naturally, I am thinking about my stocking options already.  Here is a list of things I want.  Just tell me what you think the best combonation would be, because I know I can't have them all!


Fish I already have:

yellow tang-----------will go in after other tangs

royal gramma---------one of first fish to go in--may get another

bartletts anthias------go in about halfway

pair of tomato clowns-last to go in, or maybe not-don't have too

2 damsels------------don't have too go in


Fish I am considering:

blue hippo tang

powder blue tang

sixline wrasse

green mandarin (not for at least six months*)

convict tang

scopas tang

yellowhead jawfish


flame angel

coral beauty angel

green chromis

pajama cardinals

watchman goby


copperband butterfly


Inverts I'm considering:




Thanks a lot!

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Make sure your fish are compatible.  Although it sounds like a big tank, 125 is small enough for two angels to find themselves and fight.  The same goes with other species that are not compatible.  On inverts, remember to add your snails and crabs so you can keep that big tank clean.  If you want come over and look at my 135 and take ideas.


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Guest bill33
i think he was asking out if that list what would be best for a 125
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Guest clownfish4
"Just tell me what you think the best combonation would be, because I know I can't have them all!"
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i have heard foxface can be nippers if you really want angels look at some of the genacanthurus types they are a deep water species and dont eat corals at all i ahve the lamark angel doing great. as forthe tangs im not sure how new to this you are but i have heard pwder blue's can be somewhat tricky to keep. and keep substrate in mind if you plan on the jawfish
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hippo tang, yellow tang, pair tomato clowns, algae blenny, royal gramma, and 6 green chromis  clp]]  the perfect combination in my opinion.  Well I am bias, because that is what I have in my tank  tng
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Guest clownfish4
Haha, well Sam, I will probably do that with the addition of my jawfish!  I have a 6" sandbed, so they should do great.  Also may switch out the yellow tang for a convict tang or scopas tang.
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Guest clownfish4
Ok, here is what I am thinking.  Tomorrow my yellow tang, bartletts anthias, royal gramma, yellow tail damsel, yellow belly damsel, and tomato clowns will go in the tank with 300 lbs of sand and 50 or so pounds of live rock.  I am filling the tank with water from all of my other systems, so it should be fully cured.  Also using a sump, skimmer, fuge, and existing canister filter.  Then, I will slowly fill my 55g tank up with water changes from the 125.  Then I will move the aggressive fish out and start the process of adding new fish.  I am going to add a hippo tang first, then a copperband butterfly, then 2 jawfish, sixline wrasse, watchman goby, and a few chromis.  Then I will either add the yellow tang or trade him and get a scopas tang.  Then last, I will add the tomato clowns.  I will also be adding a couple hundred pounds of rock over the next few months.  Green mandarin will go in way down the line, maybe before the clowns, not sure.
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IMHO - I would start the tank with the LR that you can spare from your other systems maybe take 30 % of the "cured water " and a heavy dose of the LS, BUT keep the fish in the currently running systems til your new 125 is up and running at least two weeks and the water params all normal. Any fish you do not want in there long term I would not consider putting in there- getting them out will be a pain. Take it slow- you will be glad you did. If you need something held for a while I have some room in my always running quarantine tank and you live nearby.



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Guest clownfish4
Thanks Lee.  I moved all of my sand and all of my rock and all of my water into the tank.  Now I'm adding about 20g of fresh saltwater to top it off.  I didn't have anywhere else to put the fish, so they are in the tank and doing fantastic.  There's only 55lbs of lr and the tank is 6' long, so I am fairly confident I will be able to catch them.  My biggest concern is the yellow tang harassing my new tangs.  So she will probably be the only one to come out temporarily.
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Guest clownfish4

Ok, here are the tangs being considered and I already have a yellow tang.


Convict Tang

Scopas Tang (in place of yellow)

Hippo Tang

Powder Brown Tang

Whitecheek Tang

Bristletooth Tomini Tang

Black Longnose Tang


Which do you like?

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One more thing to consider.  If you plan on clams, do not buy angels, specially pigmy angels that are difficult to catch since they are super fast.

Also, the tangs, be careful with blue powder, I been told they don't do well in home aquariums.

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Guest clownfish4
All my water parameters are perfect and my fish are doing FANTASTIC!!!  Hope to get my metal halides soon.
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Might be luck of the draw but I have a yellow , powder blue, and blue hippo all living for about six months together happily in a 150. The blue and powder blue I bought very small specimens and quarantined two weeks in a 29. They became friends in there and when placed in the main tank would search each other out. Eating habits on mine have been: Yellow is the most herbivorous and blue hippo the most carnivorous with the powder blue in the middle. They will all eat calurpa and graze a bit on the rocks and back glass for algae, as long as I am not in the room with them- They are pigs groveling at the front glass when I enter the room. Will have to get a picture on one of these threads. My powder Blue has not proven yet to be the terror that they have a rep for :D
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