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Posts posted by davelin315

  1. I agree with the ones above that say same old same old.  Heaters are one of the least reliable pieces of equipment on the market and I have been through tons of them myself.  I find that amongst the reputable brands you're still going to come across failures more often than not.  I go with an Inkbird controller so that it can alert me audibly and through the app and try to replace the titanium heaters whenever I remember to (I try to replace once per year but I am not always successful with that).  Bottom line with them is to plan for a failure and think around that possible failure (e.g. secure temp probes and don't rely on the suction cups, check your heater periodically to ensure that it's working, set your controller up appropriately and understand error codes, undersize if possible and keep backups on hand, etc.).

  2. Since it’s living tissue is on the outside you could attempt to simply scrub it with a stiff brush but the little flakes that break off would probably grow elsewhere so perhaps break those off first and then scrub down whatever is left.  I would think (not sure of this) that you would kill it off this way and leave behind the nice blue skeleton for other corals to grow over.  Maybe test this out on a small piece?

  3. With the cardinals and the chromis people are often misled into thinking they will school peacefully which is not the case (one subspecies of chromis will do it but figuring out how to tell the difference between them is beyond me).  Banggais will kill each other off until you have a pair (our aquariums are generally too small to provide enough territory for more) and same thing with the chromises.  The rest of the fish depending on their size and age could simply be natural deaths.

  4. AquaUV is a great brand.  Higher wattage bulbs means less contact time needed so higher flow, the TurboTwist would do the job but the flow is so much slower that it would take forever to filter out your tank despite wrapping the water around it multiple times.

  5. I can say from seeing it in another that I doubt that there is any sort of tolerance built up.  I have been hit twice with it, once severe enough to knock me out over night (high fever, chills, aches, pains, etc. but no hospitalization) and the second time just discomfort but I attribute it to realizing faster that my hands were exposed to palytoxin and taking immediate measures to wash it off as best as I could.  A co-worker, however, was hospitalized his second time being exposed but not the first.

  6. Looks like a hairy green metallic mushroom.  I know that there are some strains today that go for a lot more than what I feel they are worth but I for one have never been able to tell the difference between them and have never been much of a named coral guy.

  7. Nothing wrong with having sand but deep sand beds require a lot of upkeep and in a refugium would not be very advisable given the low flow that you would probably want to maintain.  Their efficacy is questionable (I ran one in a large garbage can and was never able to get any sort of success out of it) and there are a lot of new methods for nitrate and phosphate removal today that are far more effective with a lot less effort.

  8. I have had a couple of joubini octopuses and never had them in a completely sealed aquarium.  Only escapees I have ever had were actually a species I tentatively identified as starry night octopuses and that was when one crawled through a bulkhead screen and into my shark tank - you can imagine that didn’t go very well at all.  That said, they are apt to potentially crawl out of a bio cube or into the filtration area.  I have not had any that really went out of the water but they can certainly do so if they want to so I would view the overflow as the biggest hazard.  I have sealed off overflows with screen so they can’t squeeze through but if memory serves me correctly biocubes have decent sized slots so not sure what you would use to do this.

  9. Each fish has a unique personality but yes, they do get more and more aggressive as their space decreases and they claim more territory. The larger the fish the more space it wants and the easier other animals become to eat as well.  I have had them in the past (way back nearly 30 years ago) in predator tanks and the triggers always started to eat the tank mates and some even started to attack equipment in the tanks.  I remember one store that I used to go to that had triggers in this genus that would shatter heaters in the tanks and one even bit the finger of an employee.

  10. 5 hours ago, YHSublime said:

    Are all juvenile Angelfish cave dwellers?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It’s more that their food source is located in cave like areas and overhangs so they stick to these areas is my understanding.  Given they are spongivores/tunicatevores (is that second even a word?) their behavior and habitat is greatly influenced by where they can find their food.

  11. My experience with them has been to not do anything other than a freshwater dip until they are solidly eating.  4-5” poses some additional difficulties as well as it is probably firmly set already in its diet and not as likely to eat what is offered.  For the first 30-60 days I would say give it whatever you can and present it in a way that it might eat accidentally by squishing it to rocks where it picks at things.  Once you fatten it up and have conditioned it then start QT treatments.  If it is in the company of aggressive eaters or other fish that might be too bold it may not get comfortable enough to eat so solo or with smaller more docile fish is the way to go.  Also, if you can, avoid much light if any at all as they are cave dwellers in their juvenile stage.  I wrote an article on these for WAMAS years ago.  Here’s a link: https://wamas.org/forums/blogs/entry/27-the-regal-angelfish-dave-lin/

  12. We debated similar issues in the past but adding additional forums was always an issue.  If you look at how many we already have it gets quite difficult to scan the entire page.  Plus, there are quite a few invisible forums for most of us so to the admin group the list is even longer.

  13. 3 hours ago, khalid said:

    I thought about ignoring this but I really don’t appreciate this comment. With all do respect I don’t think you or anyone else should be questioning where any of us choose to spend our hard earned money. I choose to support both local and online vendors as I see value in both and both employ people and provide their families with a means of living. I really don’t want to get into this much further so let’s please get back to the original topic please. emoji1690.png

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Despite you asking me to not respond, here I go (and sorry if I offended you) as this has always been a big push of the club.  You've been around the club long enough to recognize this and also to know that I was an officer for around a decade and worked tirelessly on behalf of the club and it's membership.


    Ever since our sponsorship program was founded (and I was one of the group of 6 that actually founded it and wrote all of the rules for it) the club always tried to make it a two way street where we supported the vendors and the vendors supported us.  The opening of the sponsorship to online vendors versus just brick and mortar vendors was hotly contested both in the officer group and also the vendor community.  These were good times when we had a multitude of shops to choose from but there was also a time when more shops were closing down than were opening up.  Supporting the local fish stores has always been a push of the club so sorry if my comment was taken the wrong way but I'll say it every time when I see people shopping online instead of at the local stores.  A huge amount of what the club has done has been because of the local shops and their involvement with the club and programs like Receipts for Raffles were designed to encourage our members to shop at the local stores rather than the big box shops.  It's also a current push for the club to figure out how to support more of the local stores as their presence and value is immeasurable to the club.  The big box and online vendors do so much business that it really doesn't impact them one way or the other whether you shop at them or not.


    In terms of local stores, you can also see these lights in action by going to a store.  Big difference from reading the same scripted language that was sent out by EcoTech and the online vendors are all using.  The price is the same no matter where you go except that some of the online vendors actually charge above MAP pricing and then turn around and sell it at MAP with a sale advertisement (Marine Depot is famous for this).  In terms of which light to get, you'll get a far better response out of a local store on which one to get based on your color preference than you would out of a big box store which probably doesn't even have these installed.  I can't tell you the number of times where I've asked questions of the sales teams for these places and come to find out they don't have any experience in aquariums whatsoever.  For @swizz, you should go with whichever light you like more - the blue is much bluer and the pro is closer to the older models.  If you like a ton of blue light then these don't have as much PAR value but then again, few people run Radions at 100% because these are very powerful lights.  If you would rather have a truer daylight look, then go for the Pros.  Personally I prefer the Pros because I am not a fan of the all day actinic look.  That said, you can tune a blue to more of the daylight look but that means you are not utilizing the largest group of LEDs that it comes with.  In the end, it's all about personal preference.


    Back @khalid, of course you can spend your money wherever you want, of course it's your choice.  I'm not telling you to not shop where you want to but don't forget that the local fish stores support this club in ways you cannot imagine unless you're behind the scenes.  Your choices are your choices.  Off my soapbox.  Again, this is not meant to be an attack on you but rather a reminder that this is a push for the club as a whole.  Having this out there is important for newer members to see and I don't consider it to be off topic although my first post didn't really allude to why I responded and this one fleshes it out.

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