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  1. It does indeed for sure. Even if you took it off you wouldn't see much evaporation anyway. But let me know when you are ready for Jellies! Free Sipping! And Shipping!
  2. I have a new 20 gallon pennisula at home now as well. Clownfish Harem! https://youtu.be/sbb-2bTPDrM
  3. Here is my Jelly Tank 2 at home http://youtu.be/9MXQLtc1zDQ
  4. No evaporation ever. Unless you are roasting chestnuts on an open fire.
  5. fantastic Video!!! Was great to see it and glad Mok-Yi won! Thank you all again for having me! It was a blast!
  6. Hi MisterTang...I grew these in California and had them shipped over when I moved to Florida. They are a hybrid of St. Thomas and Bounce mushrooms when we were grafting experimentally about 5 years ago. This was our result and never came up with a clever name for them and this is the one remaining colony that I am aware of. Most of my mother colonies are at a shop in California called California Aquariums https://www.caliaquariums.com/ I can see if they have some of my other varieties and be more than happy to share some specimens with you!
  7. Looks great! I miss my old IM tank! Well done on the build!
  8. I just wanted to extend a huge thank you to the WAMAS group and thank you all for extending the great hospitality when I came up to visit! I look forward in sharing photos of my builds and any articles of importance for members to check out!
  9. Hi Guys! Just wanted to extend a huge thank you again to everyone who came to the meeting last Saturday. It was a lot of fun and hope you guys learned a little bit more about Jellyfish! I have a new Nano build I am working on. I am not a fan of the stock lights so I am taking the hood off and putting a Kessil on it to get some better pop of blues and what not. Hope you enjoy following along. Definitely different than my old 80 gallon cube Corals Pulsing Xenia Branching GSP Red Superman Mushroom Bonzai Shroom rock Galaxy Zoanthids Matting GSP Livestock Platinum Picasso More to be added as I continue the build!
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