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Everything posted by arking_mark

  1. Also, what type of lights and light cycle?
  2. How long have you had the tank? Corals? Lights? Any changes in equipment or new tank additions?
  3. Just thought I would share. While fiddling around with my douser, I accidentally overdosed my tank with carbonate. Quick google search provided quick household solution. 1. Carbonate is not an issue as it will precipitate out. 2. High PH (above 8.6) will hurt tank mates. 3. 1 ml of vinegar per gal of tank to reduce ph by 0.3 4. Vinegar = carbon can cause bacterial bloom which can impact oxygen levels. Good skimming and surface agitation takes care of this. My carbonate overdose raised ph to 8.78. Added 45 ml of white vinegar to my 34gal tank to reduce ph to 8.43. I will also do a 12% water change today and tomorrow. Hopefully no coral will be impacted.
  4. Thanks for the info. Is there a specific place from shore that would be a good place to go? I didn't have any luck with google search on coral quarries.
  5. Long story short, I am in fl with all the equipment...just need a shore location where I can do some nice snorkeling and maybe catch something. Any idea of where and what could be caught? License will be purchased...so all legal.
  6. I assume you are using the vodka as a carbon source to elevate bacteria growth to out compete algae growth? If so, I have found the right amount of carbon dosing (I use white vinegar) to be when the glass gets a white film instead of the normal brown/green film. For my 34gal reef tank, this is ~12.5ml of white vinegar per gal of top off water (kalkwasser). Based on my evaporation, 1-2ml per day. However, each tank is different. Overdosing carbon can lead to a bacterial bloom (white cloudy water) which is harmless and removed by skimming. There are additional benefits of combining kalkwasser with carbon...but you can google that.
  7. I have a small 34gal tank. I do 12% weekly and will throw in and extra 12% a week often, especially when I am doing more feeding or adding / adjusting my denizens.
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