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Posts posted by hawkfish01

  1. Thx Coral..im seeing the debris will prob be collecting near the front panel where the filter system is..since did water change already will prob just siphon that out with airline or small gauge hose..i like it already..seems brighter...

  2. Its done...dudnt think moving that little bit of sand would b such a PITA!! Also added a "bridge" to rockwork so i have another high spot for sps... Pics as soon as everyone is settled(very po'd frags right now..cant imagine why..8) )

  3. If hes that shy and wedges himself into nooks and crannies sounds like(im no expert on tangs) that hes being bullied by someone in the tank and the places on his head may be the fish equivelent of calluses??? That we be my guess,someone in the tank is giving him grief,especially if this occured after you bought him,not at the lfs...

  4. I used prodibio bio start starter kit,can get on line or at the marine scene(depending on ur location) i had dead rock,a small pc of live rock and was cycled and ready to go in 3 weeks....but everyone has their own method so you have many choices..

  5. I cant crank up too high..i do have bubble coral and a torch...i dont want them to tear,esp.my bubble i just got from IC..but the pump i have is a marineland 606 rated for 152 gph and a koralia 240 nano for circulation,stylo seems happy,just need to order my fixture for my par bulb(i only have 3! All various watts)

  6. Coral..i dont use a skimmer in this tank as it only has coral and 2 small hermits and 2 small snails..its a fluval spec v 5 gal and as roughly less than 1/2 inch deep bed(just enough to cover bottom glass ..)and i do weekly 1 1/2-2 gal changes on this tank..im just tired of seeing the scuzz and crap on the sand,i dont mind using airline tubing to remove mulm every day or so,its just knowing the mulm is sitting on the sand that annoys me..

  7. I was thinking that too..make sure i take my one rock out and put into sw though..i do have one piece of sps(stylo) in there now and im getting another at our upcoming meeting from gsw3....and some more zoas(they will be the bottom cover..8)along with other goodies im sure..

  8. Ive decided that i want to keep some sps in my spec v build..but now that its been going since late nov '13-dec'13 im not feeling the sand in it now. I want to go bb so i can remove crap from bottom easier and be able to control params better.is there a "waiting period" or can i do anytime??

  9. We pulled a fireworm(not a regular bristleworm) that was about 10-12" long from the pvc tunnels my bro had for his shrimp /goby in his 27 cube...he had just fed his nightine crew and it decided to pop its uglya** head out..wrong move on its part..8) so yeah set a tasty trap and gave feeding tweezers ready to snag him quik,theyre fast retreaters when threatened.. Good luck abd happy hunting..

  10. I will b a 1 yr member this summer..and i must say the input and advice i have recieved in that time has been helpful and honest..i truly appreciate everyones help and input over this time...and what can i say about my first fragfest but Whoa and Wow!! What could be better than good friends and good frags...and the amusement at some of the friendly bickering...8)

  11. Sorry to hear about tank break...its not something i like to deal with either,and i have smaller tanks(bc 14 and spec v) i hate the stress and the mess generated...hope all turns out ok...and u definately want to warm the bins before u use(they could fail otherwise due to brittleness when cold) but thank goodness u had them on hand...

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