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XxTech MoneyxX

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Posts posted by XxTech MoneyxX

  1. Well if you’re doing a mixed reef start with the easier corals and gradually add. If you’ve kept duncans and hammers see how the do a little bit after cycling. The worst thing to do is rush and add everything. Maintaining long term stability is necessary. As mentioned for sps and a lot of lps water conditions become more important. Ca/Alk maintenance is key, quality rodi and water changes are also. It could be okay day one, but months later everything could crash. Also low bio loads makes things easier. If you are new to certain corals recommend to be environmentally responsible and find corals that are aquaculture versus taken from the wild. The ones mentioned are commonly aquacultured which you’ll see other members selling cheap or LFS carrying from companies like ORA and biota. What we do does have an impact on the ocean.

    Awesome information! I am doing a mixed reef and plan to take it slow. Per the route mentioned above to start with the easier corals.

    The plan is to focus on fish at first with this tank. Two clown fish to start and then 30 days later another two clownfish.

    I will definitely be taking it slow to learn my tank chemistry.

    Also, the plan is to get a stronger slimmer latter on. Right now I’m running the ASM G3.6fdfbf1e433727b876b81ccd5a554f28.jpg

    Finally, I only use RODI and I will be completing weekly water changes.

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  2. Good starter sps is stylophora, birds nest, branching Monti digitata. For lps duncans, acans, and hammers. All common, pretty, and inexpensive.

    Thanks Dweller! My wife loves birds nest so it looks like the pink one is going on the right side of the tank. Maybe a rainbow on the left.


    I’m use to Duncan’s/hammers!


    When is a good time to get Acans in the tank to ensure they are successful and don’t die? I see they grow pretty slow, but they are very colorful.



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  3. Okay WAMAS family,


    I only come to you when I know you are going to give it to me truthfully and honestly.


    So, the picture below you will find a Coralife 72 Inch Aqualight Pro, 3x150W HQI MH Lamp + 4x96W Blue Acentic+ 4x1W Lunar LED fixture setup on my 21 day old 180g setup. The fixture is 12 inches off the waterline. I maintain a 79 temp in my basement.


    I am starting this thread in hopes to get a nice long list of softies/LPS and mainly SPS that can grow successfully under this light fixture.


    Additionally, I know that this light is not the best out there, so discuss upgrades to my lighting setup that would assist me with growing the higher end SPS. (Keep in mind budget spending) I’d like to stick with MH BTW.


    Finally, again be honest and try to stick to your experiences and not someone else’s. This is my first time attempting to grow SPS. I have always done softies and some LPS over the years.


    Thank you in advance to all who respond to this post! -Tony




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  4. 2 minutes ago, WheresTheReef said:

    Thanks. Biggest thing I have learned through the years is patience. Got myself in lots of trouble with the tanks by overreacting. 

    I will keep that in mind (Patience).  I am starting up a 180g mixed reef, but this is the first time with SPS.  I will get the build started once I start the cycling process.  Keep an eye out for the post, I am going to be looking for all the help I can get :-) 


  5. Thanks Tom for the quick reply! Hmm, I'm going to wait a couple more days to see if the Condy moves, if not I'm not sure what to do because the toadstool is permanent stuck to the rock. My filtration isn't the. Eat because I have a small skimmer on this setup. I could add carbon though.



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  6. See picture below... this carabean anemone is moving all the time now trying to get comfortable I guess. I've had him for about 2 months. Anyway, the toadstool seems to be okay after two days of the anemone over top of him... I do notice the tentacles of the toadstool arnt fully out where the anemone is touching. Can this kill the toadstool? Thanks!73b3dd4ff4d420fefd48e86f4d2a8e4b.jpg



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  7. Good morning WAMAS Family... Wow, what a night!! Went to bed at 3am to wake up at 5:15... That sucked getting up this morning. Anyway, Long story made as short as I ca.n. transferred my piranhas (x3) that were in my 75g and put them in a 20L black sand, heater, filter and artificial plants. Now for the fun part, transferred about 100lbs + of live rock from the 110 into a 32 gallon brute. Put coral/rock in a separate brute. Drained the 110 in those two brutes and 5 gallon buckets... Yeah a lot of them because I have a 40 gallon sump too!


    Okay transferred all water minus about 30g into the 75g and the 20g sump put the push in with the coral and heater and powerheads. I put that extra salt water and about 50lbs of sand in a brute with powerhead and heater.


    Put the 110 out on the patio with plans to clean it out, dry it and start removing the lower silicone today.. I'm about 90% sure that it's the silicone loosing its seal.... The other 10% is well.. The other thing, cracked glass.


    I pray it's just the silicone! If not I seen a couple offers on this post that I will look into, hoping for a good deal, if not I'm planning to move to Germany in 2016 so I will break down for sure.


    To all that posted to help, thank you so much for taking your time out to help.





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  8. Nice work, did you buy the doors, or do you have a CNC?

    I'm re-building my stand and would like to know where to get the doors from as well.



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  9. Hello WAMAS!


    Here are the dimensions of the new tank:



    Here are the dimensions inside the sump area:

    42x15 (without braces)

    42x12 (with braces)


    So here is the issue I'm having, I have a 110g stand that I want to remove the 2 center braces due to them only have 12 inches in between of them... I can't get my 30 long sump in there .


    This is an upgrade from my 36g BowFront and I'd really like for the transition to go smoothly. Can I remove the center braces on this stand without worrying the whole tank would come tumbling down?? If I can't, anyone have any ideas of what you would do in my situation?


    Finally, I have a wet dry sump that I could use, but it's just a baby (maybe 12-15 gallons) but of course I want the 30 long down there as a sump.(it's 36x13x17.


    Take a look at the pictures.


    Thanks for your advice!!



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  10. FWIW, when I started in the hobby I had all sorts of mixed corals. when my SPS was doing well and had pristine water, my softies and LPS seemed to suffer. as time went on and I no longer had time to keep great conditions ( kids, commute...) along with numerous moves, I got out of SPS. now all I have is LPS and softies. I only do a water change once a year or so and the corals are growing like crazy. I like the Paul B methods of hands off management. I try to keep the tank only clean enough to keep problem algaes from overrunning, anything better seems to slow the coral growth in my tank... just my .02

    Exactly how I started! I think sense my wife only like the softies I'm going to only go with the softies... I mean I like the chalice but not a whole lot like some others..


    If you don't mind, could you post your parameters, and also what size tank you have please. Maybe some of the softies you are keeping in your setup as well.


    Thanks for the help!!



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  11. Get rid of your chaeto and see if your NO3 rises. By keeping that in, you are countering what you were trying to do by turning off the skimmer, etc.

    Yeah I'm going to take it out tonight see what happens.



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  12. Well figured I would give you guys an update.. Everything is doing exactly the same, soft corals don't seem to be getting any better after turning the skimmer off for almost two weeks, and over feeding.


    Salinity 1.026

    Nitrates 0 (still running Cheato)

    Nitrites 0

    Ammonia 0

    PH 8.1

    DKH 10


    Kinda getting discouraged with softies. Although the chalice and zoas aren't really growing either..


    Thanks for any help.



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