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Posts posted by BubbleHead

  1. I have finally got all the parts together and have started putting everything together. Today I plumbed the sump and installed the dosers. Since the stand is totally enclosed I am not to sure about putting power strips and especially the controller inside the cabinet, thoughts? As I move along with finishing the build, I will post pics. Idea's are always welcome. Live Rock has been curing for awhile and atleast half the water will come from a FOWLR, I am taking down.

  2. I had a problem with bubble algae recently and some hair algae, mainly due to not paying attention to the tank while working on setting up a new larger tank. I bought a couple Green Emerald crabs to take care of the bubble algae (an sps frag that I placed next to a group of bubble algae actually killed most of it) The emeralds cleaned out the bubble algae in a few days and today I saw one eating the hair algae. When I get the new tank set up, this rock that had the hair algae will go in the dark for awhile. Scrubbing the rock (as you have done) and then cycling in the dark what I would try first. But the way things are done has changed a lot since I got back into the hobby.

  3. It's been awhile since I plumbed a tank. I just want to make sure i get it right the first time.


    Here is what I have,


    90 gallon reef ready drilled on bottom. The dover flow bulkhead is 21/2" (od)and the return is 11/2" (od).


    Return pump is a Mag 12 in a 20 gallon sump.


    Which of these lines needs a valve? the valve on the return is easy as it's small amd I have a bunch of them, but a valve on the overflow would either be big or the line would have to be reduced and then flow is cut down.

  4. What is largest size tank that can safely be place on second floor of a house, so wood joist. I currently have a 60 Hexigon (small footprint). Not a fan of this tank, want to change it out for a 120 4' tank.

  5. Lots of people has recommended the avast CS-1 skimmer. Have you looked into C-1? Are you looking for in-sump skimmer or external?


    I'll probably go with insump, no a lot of room in the stand. Looks like I won't be ordering today. bad news from the person who wants half my money and hates reef tanks.

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