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  1. When it comes to larger tanks, it is extremely important that they are level. Most blowouts occur due to too much pressure on a particular side of the tank. Also, if your lighting is too hot and is heating up a plastic brace, the brace will begin to warp and breakdown. But ya, just the thought of that much water on the floor is a bit nerve wracking, especially when you hear a weird sound in the middle of the night, lol
  2. That sux! Had that happen on a 180g. Though my brace was a 2x2ft. piece of glass. Tried to salavage the tank but it was never the same and ended up busting a seam a few weeks later... Looks like you better find a new one or have it completely resealed.
  3. Yes, same deal, except their membership is higher. So ill be joing here most likely! Also, ill post some pics of some pics here in a bit of the old tank. I had some great livestock over the years, it was extremely sad to have to let them go :(
  4. Ok, I was wondering where the classifieds section was. Need to be a paying member to access it. Thanks.
  5. Hey all I recently moved from Atlanta to Reston, VA. Been in the hobby for about 4yrs. now and a member of The Atlanta Reef Club. I had a 220g aggressive tank that I was converting over to a reef. I ended up having to sell the tank and due to couldnt put such a massive tank in an apartment on the second floor... If anyone has a 90g with stand/canopy I would love to get a reef tank up and running again. I kept all my live rock and accessories, so just need the tank and stand. Let me know what you have out there!
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