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Posts posted by Neto

  1. It is an ORA hybrid, a cross between a fridmani and a sankeyi pseudochromis, which has been called an"indigo dottyback". Lighter in color and a bit more blue than an orchid (fridmani), but with a faint stripe as the result of mixing with the sankeyi.


    better get out of the hobby if youre starting to question your fish purchases. Arent all of your clownfish hybrids now?


    Its not a clownfish, see above

  2. Welcome to the group, I am from PR too (Vega Baja)....


    You can always change your sand if you dont like it your current one. Basically you would just syphon it out on your water changes and since you have a 30 gallon, you can probably do it in two water changes.Try the Tropic Eden ones (premium aquatics sell them), they rinse very well and your water wont turn very cloudy. I suggest the mesoflakes (2.7mm). As for fish, 3 anthias in that tank is pushing it but I dont have many experience with them.

  3. I dont know if these are the same but I had colonial hydroids that go in a tube if you touch them and they where absolute cancer. Nothing kills them and they sting like crazy. I got rid of them because my tank crashed and I lost all my corals. 




    You can get fluco from Payless Pet Products https://www.payless-petproducts.com/fluconazole200.html or Reef Flux HD: https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/reef-flux-fluconazole-treatment-reefhd.html


    It's a one time dose (not daily).


    More info here, though it's mainly for bryopsis, but also works for GHA (but takes longer and may not be as effective):





    thanks! just bought 10 capsules

  5. Justin should be able to talk to the peroxide dosing while visiting us. Just be sure to corner him and raise the topic. He brought it to many people's attention many years ago as an option. Since then, it's been another tool in our toolbox.


    Some time back, I tried it to treat a hair algae outbreak that followed (and lasted) the tank crash. It mostly showed up in the frag tank and a few auxilliary tanks attached to the system, and was everywhere. I treated the aquarium with small doses (1-2 ml per 100 gallons) 30% hydrogen peroxide for several weeks. The effect on the algae was limited, it seemed in my situation. In the end, I relented and decided to take the flucanazole route (1 capsule per 10 gallons, disconnect any carbon filtration that you might have that would adsorb the medication)  and that took care of the problem. Flucanazole was originally experimented with as an effective treatment for bryopsis infestations. (This was welcomed because, except for the old Kent Tech M treatment which was hit or miss for a lot of people, we had no real solution for many hobbyists' bryopsis headaches.) Anyway, you start seeing the effects of the flucanazole after a few days, and the algae problem is pretty much gone in 2-3 weeks. It can take longer for some tanks, but probably not longer than 6 weeks. After that, you have to do a big water change to get rid of the nutrients. This gave my tank enough time to rebalance itself so that the algae was no longer an issue. Sometimes a follow-up dosage is required.

    Thanks for sharing your experience, where did you get the flucanazole and what mg did you use? I am having a hair algae problem myself on my tank and its out of control.

  6. Just got a new wetside from ecotech around one month ago and the impeler ceramic portion shattered. Many people on R2R are having the same problem and it looks like it could be some manufacturer problem. My tank doesn't have any sand so I doubt anything got trapped inside and shattered the impeller. 


    Has anyone had this happened recently?



  7. There are different strains of Dynos, on my previous setup (same tank & equipment) I had a really tough strain, if I remember correctly it was one called "Prorocentrum." I battle it for a while and tried many chemical products like Dyno X and non chemical remedies like 6 day blackouts. Unfortunately they always came back, slowly but back to dominate. I had a Dr graduate from UMD (username is "Pants") come to my house with equipment to analyze which strain it was. You should contact him and ask for his help so you know what you are dealing with. 


    My suggestion to you is that if you can easily start over do it.. Take out every rock in the tank and boil it. 

  8. I have been working with Marco (monkiboy) from ERC for about a month now on support for an old non-hybrid ATI Powermodule fixture i got on a trade and so far my experience has been very good. Basically I wanted to trade with another individual across the US a 6x24w unit for a 8x24w that needed some parts to revive it again. Marco provided great guidance and support on different parts on the unit. He gave me the best price I could find for new reflectors. He even offered to provide a discounted shipping label for me to send my old unit to the other party on the trade after I mentioned to him that the other guy from the west coast paid $70 bucks to ship me his unit .


    If you want an ATI T5 fixture or need parts for any of these, I highly recommend you go through ERC, they are amazing, always respond to messages quickly and they might be able to get you a better price. Some of these parts are only found on Europe such as the acrylic shield which is 4mm and no where in the US you will be able to find this thickness, maybe 1/8” will fit but it will be loose and flow might get affected. I basically had to replace the reflectors, acrylic shield, 4 fans and a bunch of screws.

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