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matt bills

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Everything posted by matt bills

  1. Have not found a picture of any of those you all mentioned that match what i have. I will keep looking.
  2. Id help please. Is it a spunge?http://www.wamas.org/forums/gallery/image/11042-img-20110707-203250-1jpg/
  3. Thanks Tom thats good I am staining the stand and hood adding floor in stand. Thanks again
  4. i found a 30 gallon sump do you think it is big enough for the 120?
  5. I built the stand little to small because of 2x4s a 55 gallon is to big for the sump now what
  6. still working on the tanks setup. base and tank top. http://www.wamas.org/forums/gallery/album/2632777/950-120-aga-tank-build/
  7. http://www.wamas.org/forums/gallery/image/10959-frame/ Here is the frame for the new tank I will be adding and 2X4 in the back middle.
  8. matt bills


    From the album: 120 AGA Tank Build

  9. I will be backup if he doesn't take it I am in leesburg close to you
  10. I got the tank all cleaned out tonight with a really good rince. Now time to build stand.
  11. I see you have a basement sump is that hard to set up? Could i come over and see how you did it?
  12. Thank you What will this do I have not started my cycle I am just clean the tank. The tank is on my garage floor filled with water and vinegar trying to get the calcium and salt build up off my corner overflows. Will this help with the cleaning?
  13. I was away this weekend but as soon as I came in the door i scrapped some off. Still needs more work tomorrow evening.
  14. Thanks I put the main pump in the the tank and there is great cirulation.
  15. I plugged the four Overflow holes filled the tank and dumped vinager in the tank and will let that site and see if brakes down some of the calcuim or salt in the overflows they were caked. I will see if that helps clean it out.
  16. Thanks I will check is out. Do you all clean in-between the thin black inlet of the resernoir
  17. Thanks I will buy the bulk head and loc line locally and make the return myself. What led system will support a reef? I didnt get a sump yet I am look for one.
  18. Starting another tanks setup This is what I got last night 350 cash 120 AGA 4X2X2 2 corner overflows with returns little dirty in the overflows. Tanks pretty clean missing one return Mag 12 return pump very clean Euro Reef Protien Skimmer CS ES Series very clean Square calcium regulator Light system 2 MH and 2 Compact bulbs need changed. Forgot to look at the watts this morning before leaving for work 6 Powerheads Clean UV sterilizer. have 2 new bulbs 1. I am going to clean the tank with vinager the overflows are really dirty. 2. I have to order some return column pipe it was missing one. 3. Build the Stand Any words of advise or recommendation?
  19. I say so much color in my tank last night i want more.
  20. Skimmers are important i will probably replace that with something better and i am thinking of a chiller since i see the fan in the background. The co2 tubes and calcium reactor I know nothing about so i will need that information you provided. I am not sure about the sump he said the tank was drilled with overflows and returns so i assuming that it would go to a sump. I am going this evening to look at it. any calcium reators better than others? they also said the tank has not been setup in a couple years. they thought the mh bulbs would need to be changed out. if the tank has salt creap i can clean that off this mineral oil or vinicorrect? Thanks for you helps.
  21. I am going to look at this stuff 125 gal saltwater aquarium with twin overflows. Have pretty much everything you need except the stand. Includes protein skimmer, calcium reactor, uv aqualite metal halide lighting system, uv sterilizer, main pump, pH monitor, and tubing for connections. Tank ran great when I had it up. Sold in as is condition and you will need to pick it up here. I will build the stand. sound like a pretty good deal. 400 Anything i should look for? he told me that the protien skimmer was red Sea. Here is a picture http://www.wamas.org/forums/gallery/image/10949-possible-125-buy/
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