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Posts posted by gizmoody

  1. that looks great! I wouldn't doubt that with a little more tinkering, you'd master those lens's. Of course the pics already look millions of times better than any photo's I've done...gotta love a cell phone cam lol! I'm outa my league!


    MORE PLEASE, I love seeing macro shots!:clap:


    Thanks dude. I'm trying to master the glass. Unfortunately the next one is not a macro but hope you like it.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous pics! I've never seen a picture of a Cyphastrea polyp like that. If that color came in a zoo or paly, who know's what that would sell for blink.gif


    Out of curiosity, what camera body and lens are you shooting with? Any editing other than frosting your name in?


    Keep it up! clap.gif


    Thanks Max. It's a Nikon D7000 (just upgraded from a D40) and the Nikon 105mm macro lens (just got that too). In terms of editing, I crop, resize the image and most of the time shoot in RAW and adjust the exposure and contrast a bit if needed. I try not to adjust too much. Right now, this camera and lens are beyond my talents!

  3. Thanks Bob! Not as sweet as that Mandarin shot though!



    lways been a big fan of the sail fin tangs, the juvenile phase (I assume) is beautiful. I'll have to lure you over with frags and beer to do shots of my tank when its done.


    You had me at beer...

  4. I am no photography pro, but taking photos makes me strangely happy. I am especially interested in the world less seen. I will post photos of corals and other things in my tank. Your comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. These photos are also on my site that has photos of not just corals but I will post marine related shots here. Can I consider this my tank build thread?


    Sun Coral



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