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Posts posted by LanglandJoshua

  1. Roni and I thought you were looking for ways to quiet your overflow. Which the Bean Animal or herbie will do quite well.


    If you are trying to quiet your sump, try extending the piping below the sump water level and add a U at the end of the pipe, directing the water back up. That should quiet the splashing in the sump.

    Yeah, I guess I asked the wrong thing. Now that you put it that way...I want my sump to SHUT UP! :laugh:

  2. Tank looks like it's doing well! Just wondering, have you had any of your baby peppermint shrimp actually grow to full size, or how big have they gotten? Any pics?

    Thanks, they are just mysis. I will put the video of one I caught up. :sleep:


    I'll also try to get a FTS tomorrow. How is your nano? I've not heard anything lately.

  3. check out the bean animal system or the herbie system. both work very well. I'm running the bean animal overflow with a basement sump and am very happy with it.

    If I am correct they both have a specific design for the actual overflow in the tank. I just need to silence the falling water a bit in my sump. I'm not wanting to rebuild the system.

  4. thank you hilary. its definitely a work in progress. upgrades come slow, because i have very little money. but the 40B will be different, not going on the cheap in the beginning and then upgrade, to much wasted money.


    Welcome to the club! The tank looks great, and I think we all learned this lesson the hard way...I'm still replacing stuff!

  5. I do a bit of business travel and often bring home the electronic hotel room key. They work just as well as cedit cards.

    Though I don't do much travel, I use a room key as well. I also like to let my astrena stars go at it. I do have a bunch of coraline algae. But the stars do such a good job it's been three weeks since I scrubbed the tank. So as long as a bit of algae does not bug me I'm good. :laugh: at night and early mornings sometimes I can see a wall of those little guys working away like a old time prison chain gang working across a rock.

  6. If you are going for SPS, you may want more flow. For any coral you will really need to make sure you have enough rock on the system. As well as really keep your chem levels stable. Ive had a couple zoas that looked fine for a week. And then some little spike hit and I lost my zoas...:ohmy: I dont have much in the way of SPS, but Ive been told they can be incredibly picky.

  7. I picked up two Green Mandarin gobies at Petland during their social. Now they seem to be doing what I saw on a youtube video, a mating dance. One is obviously larger, and the small one has a large bulge in "her" underside. My wrasse even swam by to investigate. But the larger mandarin (male?) put "himself" between it and the "female". I know nothing of how they spawn or even if I could ATTEMPT to raise the fry. Does anyone have any info? I dont have much space, but would love to learn more on this subject. My hope was that these two would become a mated pair. Now I think they have!:clap: Just need my phone charging so I can try and get a video... :rolleyes:




    Here is a link to the video.


  8. Another piece of news...I bought reefkeeper elite, when I tried to remove the temp probe from the SL1 unit it got stuck. The lever lock(name?) on the plug would not release even when I pressed very hard. Then my finger slipped and out came the wire....so I emailed the company(digital aquatics). They refused to help, claiming it was not under warrantee. I am just frustrated that the wire was so loosely attached. Has anyone else had this issue? Since they won't replace it or even let me trade in the original probe I think I will let my father have a go a repairing it. Such a simple issue is holding up getting my tanks temperature swings under control. They aren't bad from 76.5-81 throughout an entire 24 hour period.

  9. It would be placed under the house in a crawl space (possibly). This area is cold year round. I can place a fan in there if needed. That may help with the temp. But would you just suggest sticking with 1/4 then? I plan to add more gear and lights later. The cooling power I need will go up.

  10. I am trying to think of what kind of chiller I should put on this "sustem". I used the JBJ calculator and it said 1/5th HP. I was thinking of one upping that to a 1/4 HP. But the price difference between the 1/4 and 1/3 has me thinking of just going all out. Any suggestions would be extremely helpful!

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