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Oprah Wrangler

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Posts posted by Oprah Wrangler

  1. Excited and intrigued...got up this morning and I have another clone.  I checked my prams again just to make sure things were on the right track and they are still WNL.  Observation will continue.  If this keeps up, i will have an anemone only tank...lol

  2. Thanks, fortunately the tank is a year or more old.  I made sure that my prams were in line before I added it and I have made sure to check them weekly since the addition.  Everything is WNL.  Do they also split for the other spectrum of tank life, things being ideal?

  3. I had the same experience not two or three weeks ago with Adam. (just before he got married)  I did notice that there were a few differences in the replacement pump.  I think they made some upgrades to correct old design flaws.  I am glad that you also had a great experience with customer service.

  4. I acquired a gbta from my brothers at Quantum on the day of their grand opening.  It found a spot it liked and colored up very nicely.  Then on Monday it decided to take a walk about.  I thought nothing of it, though it was intriguing that it would go for a roam after such a while in one place.  Then, this morning, I noticed it had settled in on the other side of the tank and discovered a smaller one, about a quarter the size, in its old spot.  They both look great.  Do you guys think I should try and feed them tonight?  The larger one would not eat before but now I am starting to think it is because it was working on a clone.  Thanks Quantum for getting and selling good livestock.

  5. Hey there all,


    I have a pair of clown and we believe Brooklynella has gotten a hold of my male.  Two weeks ago, my return pump died in the night.  Unfortunately I did not have time that morning to fix the problem.  I added an extra power head and tended to the tank when I got home.  The water clouded up substantially during this time but all recovered well once the pump was running again.  I think it was this stress that weakened his immune system.


    Since the appearance of the fuzzy patch on his body, this guy has not changed a bit.  For the last two weeks he has been eating like a pig (as usual).  Save for the patch of fuzz, that has not grown or shrank, he does not seem symptomatic.  Respiration is strong, great feeding response, energy level and behavior are also WNL.  I have been observing very closely for the last 14 days, since the appearance of the patch.


    I have a QT tank.  I am hesitant to remove the fish because I think he may be fighting the protozoan infection on his own.  I am afraid that moving him will weaken him again and give the bug the foothold it needs to over take my little friend.  What do you guys think?  All advice is welcome.  BTW, the fish were QT'd for 4 weeks before being added to the DT.

  6. Update:


    I received an email this morning from Adam with RLSS and my pump is on the way.  He was very nice in the correspondence and also very candid about some issues they have had with meeting customer expectations.  I am very glad to be dealing with them on the pump replacement.  Will let you guys know when it arrives.

  7. please let us know when it arrives. there has been a huge surge of defect posts on the other forums about RLSS goods but also about poor customer service so this is great to hear. thank you for posting.

    Really, I did not know that others had been experiencing troubles.  I will post here when the pump arrives.

  8. Hello Wamasers,


    I have a DC 3000 that I use as a return pump.  Just in the past few weeks it has not been running when submerged and when I do get it going the out put is significantly decreased.  I tried all of the usually pump troubleshooting to no avail.  I figured that I would give the manufacturer a call and ask for advice and see if they have experienced this with any of their other pumps.


    The guy that answered the phone was on his way into a rehearsal for his wedding this weekend and still took the time to talk to me about my pump.  He assured me that what I was experiencing was not normal and that the pump must be defective.  He asked me to email him my name, address, and contact information and that he would make sure a replacement pump is mailed to me today.  I asked if he would like me to mail the defective pump back but he declined saying that if for some reason it starts working correctly again I will have two.  He said it is the least he could do for a loyal customer. ( I also run one of their skimmers)


    Providing the pump actually comes,and I have no doubt that it will, I give RLSS two thumbs up and three snaps in a circle.  It is great when a company exceeds your expectations.

  9. I should clarify, I am not running mine on any type of controller.  I use the controls that come with the pumps to control flow.  I do not have a closed loop, but I do change the amount of flow in the tank randomly for a day or two and my tank really seems to like the variation.  The feed button is also a great feature.

  10. I am running two DC pumps by Waveline.  One as a return pump and one is powering my skimmer.  These pumps are amazing.  Super quiet, very dependable, and the ability to adjust the flow is great.  Before getting these pumps, I was using Mags and had used a number of other pumps in the past.  I wish I had know about DC pumps sooner, really changed my reefing experience.  I give much thanks to Quantum Reefs for turning me on to them.

  11. I've been looking at rlss r6 and the new reef octopus diablo's with the new dc pump.

    Go for the rlss.  I have one and it is amazing the amount of skimming it does as well as how quiet it is.  I would not know this thing was running if not for all the skimming it is doing.  I got mine from Quantum Reefs.  Great Skimmer.  I also use one of the rlss pumps as my return pump,  equally quiet and awesome.

  12. I run a bag in the return area of my sump,

    it made an immediate improvement


    I am still trying to figure out how often to change it

    I think 4 weeks is about the usefullness limit.


    I will eventually go reactor (possibly with GFO)

    but this works for me for now.


    I haven't noticed any HLE, but I do worry about it, and wash my carbon thuroughly in RODI before putting it in the sump


    What is HLE?

  13. Hello All,


    I have a 36" 6-T5 bulb fixture over my 30 breeder DT. I am gonna change the bulbs to ATI bulbs and would like some thoughts on bulb configuration.


    I am considering 3 Coral Plus ©, 2 Blue Plus (b), and 1 Purple Plus (p) in the following configuration: ©(b)©(p)(b)©


    *yes, Zygote2k, I know that it is light and it will grow things...lol*


    What do the rest of ya think?

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