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Posts posted by WaterDog

  1. you can do that. Do not do wc for the first 2 weeks. Air stone with fine bubbles, heater. Your going to need different foods, Rots and nhbbs. marinebreeder.org has alot of good info. You can also get April's book off Amazon. How to raise and train your peppermint shrimp.

    Blah, rots. Where does one get rots? And what are nhbbs?

    Thanks for answering the questions, I just don't want to kill these little guys.

  2. Water has been running for about 4 days now and parameters are...


    ALK 11

    CAL 450

    MAG 1250

    PH 8.39


    I think ALK maybe too high and PH should be lowered? What you guys think?

    I think the ph is good. As for the alk, it's naturally low in my tank for some reason but I've heard that high alkalinity is good.

  3. Waterdog, Im setting up a breeding system for inverts. Peppermint Shrimp larva go through 7 different stages. zoae 1-7. With them molting at each stage. Peppermint are the easier ones to breed, but I would expect some losses. Like Justin said getting them into their own larvae tank or growout tank , you will have better results.

    I'm moving the fish in the quarantine tank out of there soon, would that be suitable? It's somewhat hyposalinity at 1.015-1.018. Is that too low for peppermints?

  4. Do you have two shrimp? There needs to be 2 skunk cleaners for the eggs to be fretilized. I have one skunk cleaner in my pico and it never gets eggs. I assume that all shrimp of the Lysmata family are the same. I notice that once a month, after they molt, my Lysmata amboinensis are empty. So sometime either before, after or during their molt they let their fry out.


    Dave Lin posted something about them laying live fry not to long ago in response to something I wrote. You may want to read what he wrote.

    Yeah there are two shrimp. In that case I may just give them a chance to molt and lay eggs while I get the 5 gal set up. And thanks I'll check that out.

  5. You would have to catch it and put it in a tank all by itself with low flow and loads of hiding places.


    I'm learning as I go along with my 12 plus skunk cleaner babes. I've got them in a tank filled with macro with a heater, a 70 watt MH a small HOB filter and a nano powerhead. When they are very very tiny they like to hide under rocks, ledges and in between macro. you can hardly see them with the naked eye or a magnifying glass. As they get older, about 5 weeks or so, they are big enough to see with the naked eye and they start to move up higher, closer to the light. They also start to venture out a little further from their hiding spots. They dart around very quickly at first. They may appear to some as amphipods but they are shrimp. As they get bigger they slow down. Shrimp are scavengers and these are guys are proving that. I'm finding that anything small enough for them to break up and eat, they'll eat; flake food, cyclopeeze, pellets.... good luck!



    Thanks, now I'm glad I have that extra 5 gallon sitting around. I don't know if I'll be able to have it set up by the time the eggs hatch though. How long do the eggs take to hatch?

  6. I saw one of the peppermint shrimp hanging out with this big tannish mass under its (her I guess) tail. Could these be eggs? And how/would I be able to raise them?

    Pictures of the possible mother: gallery_2632200_728_129339.jpg

  7. So I've been looking around for the polypropelene and have yet to find it. Would galvanized hardware cloth work? Or would that rust?

    EDIT: We actually found 1/4" polypropelene, but it's black. Would that cut down too much on the light?

  8. The netting in the window screen frame can be removed by just lifting out the frame.


    You would need allot of holes for proper air flow. The plexi might fog up and block light to the corals. Unless the plexi is thick enough it may sag in the middle.

    Ohhh so you would put the whole frame in. Is there a frame that fits a bowfront?

  9. Thanks for the input, just a few more questions.

    Could the plexiglass have airholes drilled in it for the gas exchange? And how would one get the netting to fit over the tank so it could be removed?

  10. I realized that with a Six-Line Wrasse and a Midas Blenny soon to be in the tank, we should look into getting a cover or hood. I was thinking a plexiglass cover and then cutting out the outlines of where things like the refugium, overflow etc. would be. Is there a better alternative like eggcrate? Or would that interfere with the light?

  11. So I figured I should probably make a tank thread so here it is:

    It's a 46 gallon glass bowfront from marineland that we started in October 2009. It has a wet/dry filter that uses an internal overflow box since the tank isn't drillable and a mag 5 return pump. It has a DIY hang-on refugium, 2 koralias, and a T-5 light fixture. Its inhabitants are two ocellaris clowns and two neon gobies, and a few corals.

    Some Pictures:

    gallery_2632200_728_1196175.jpgThe tank right after cycling

    gallery_2632200_728_559363.jpgAs of today

    gallery_2632200_728_322580.jpgA Devil's Hand Leather Coral

    gallery_2632200_728_341702.jpgA red mushroom and one of the more photogenic clowns

    gallery_2632200_728_93334.jpgOne of the gobies

    Some Zoas: gallery_2632200_728_1018853.jpg


    gallery_2632200_728_191779.jpgA piece of montipora

  12. I bought a feather duster cluster side of a golf ball. Today I moved the cluster to a new spots. Few minutes later I noticed the ball moved towards the inside of a rock. I thought it was because the water current. I used a tool to grab the ball trying to take it out of the cave. While taking the ball out, I saw a blue/green claw right behind the cluster. I was sure it is a mantis shrimp or crab.



    1. Do mantis shrimps really make snapping sounds? I hear the sound often but I don't know where it comes from.

    2. How often do mantis shrimps eat small fish or hermit crabs? My fish and hermit crabs seems fine.

    3. How often do mantis go out in day light? I have never seen it in my tank.

    1. Some do I think

    2. Sporadically. We caught one once and at first it was fine in a tank with other snail, then it ate them so it got put in the tank with the stone crab

    3. Not sure, but assume not often as I think they're bottom dwellers

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